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The rooms were quite empty of life after that。The Nome King had gained a new ornament。For upon the edge of the table rested a pretty grasshopper; that seemed to have been formed from a single emerald。 It was all that remained of Ozma of Oz。
In the throne room just beyond the palace the Nome King suddenly looked up and smiled。
〃Next!〃 he said; in his pleasant voice。
Dorothy; the Scarecrow; and the Tin Woodman; who had been sitting in anxious silence; each gave a start of dismay and stared into one another's eyes。
〃Has she failed?〃 asked Tiktok。
〃So it seems;〃 answered the little monarch; cheerfully。〃But that is no reason one of you should not succeed。The next may have twelve guesses; instead of eleven; for there are now twelve persons transformed into ornaments。Well; well!Which of you goes next?〃
〃I'll go;〃 said Dorothy。
〃Not so;〃 replied the Tin Woodman。〃As mander of Ozma's army; it is my privilege to follow her and attempt her rescue。〃
〃Away you go; then;〃 said the Scarecrow。〃But be careful; old friend。〃
〃I will;〃 promised the Tin Woodman; and then he followed the Nome King to the entrance to the palace and the rock closed behind him。
13。The Nome King Laughs
In a moment the King returned to his throne and relighted his pipe; and the rest of the little band of adventurers settled themselves for another long wait。They were greatly disheartened by the failure of their girl Ruler; and the knowledge that she was now an ornament in the Nome King's palace…a dreadful; creepy place in spite of all its magnificence。Without their little leader they did not know what to do next; and each one; down to the trembling private of the army; began to fear he would soon be more ornamental than useful。
Suddenly the Nome King began laughing。
〃Ha; ha; ha!He; he; he!Ho; ho; ho!〃
〃What's happened?〃 asked the Scarecrow。
〃Why; your friend; the Tin Woodman; has bee the funniest thing you can imagine;〃 replied the King; wiping the tears of merriment from his eyes。〃No one would ever believe he could make such an amusing ornament。Next!〃
They gazed at each other with sinking hearts。One of the generals began to weep dolefully。
〃What are you crying for?〃 asked the Scarecrow; indignant at such a display of weakness。
〃He owed me six weeks back pay;〃 said the general; 〃and I hate to lose him。〃
〃Then you shall go and find him;〃 declared the Scarecrow。
〃Me!〃 cried the general; greatly alarmed。
〃Certainly。It is your duty to follow your mander。March!〃
〃I won't;〃 said the general。〃I'd like to; of course; but I just simply WON'T。〃
The Scarecrow looked enquiringly at the Nome King。
〃Never mind;〃 said the jolly monarch。〃If he doesn't care to enter the palace and make his guesses I'll throw him into one of my fiery furnaces。〃
〃I'll go!…of course I'm going;〃 yelled the general; as quick as scat。
〃Where is the entrance…where is it?Let me go at once!〃
So the Nome King escorted him into the palace; and again returned to await the result。What the general did; no one can tell; but it was not long before the King called for the next victim; and a colonel was forced to try his fortune。
Thus; one after another; all of the twenty…six officers filed into the palace and made their guesses… and became ornaments。
Meantime the King ordered refreshments to be served to those waiting; and at his mand a rudely shaped Nome entered; bearing a tray。This Nome was not unlike the others that Dorothy had seen; but he wore a heavy gold chain around his neck to show that he was the Chief Steward of the Nome King; and he assumed an air of much importance; and even told his majesty not to eat too much cake late at night; or he would be ill。
Dorothy; however; was hungry; and she was not afraid of being ill; so she ate several cakes and found them good; and also she drank a cup of excellent coffee made of a richly flavored clay; browned in the furnaces and then ground fine; and found it most refreshing and not at all muddy。
Of all the party which had started upon this adventure; the little Kansas girl was now left alone with the Scarecrow; Tiktok; and the private for counsellors and panions。Of course the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger were still there; but they; having also eaten some of the cakes; had gone to sleep at one side of the cave; while upon the other side stood the Sawhorse; motionless and silent; as became a mere thing of wood。Billina had quietly walked around and picked up the crumbs of cake which had been scattered; and now; as it was long after bed…time; she tried to find some dark place in which to go to sleep。
Presently the hen espied a hollow underneath the King's rocky throne; and crept into it unnoticed。She could still hear the chattering of those around her; but it was almost dark underneath the throne; so that soon she had fallen fast asleep。
〃Next!〃 called the King; and the private; whose turn it was to enter the fatal palace; shook hands with Dorothy and the Scarecrow and bade them a sorrowful good…bye; and passed through the rocky portal。
They waited a long time; for the private was in no hurry to bee an ornament and made his guesses very slowly。The Nome King; who seemed to know; by some magical power; all that took place in his beautiful rooms of his palace; grew impatient finally and declared he would sit up no longer。
〃I love ornaments;〃 said he; 〃but I can wait until tomorrow to get more of them; so; as soon as that stupid private is transformed; we will all go to bed and leave the job to be finished in the morning。〃
〃Is it so very late?〃 asked Dorothy。
〃Why; it is after midnight;〃 said the King; 〃and that strikes me as being late enough。There is neither night nor day in my kingdom; because it is under the earth's surface; where the sun does not shine。
But we have to sleep; just the same as the up…stairs people do; and for my part I'm going to bed in a few minutes。〃
Indeed; it was not long after this that the private made his last guess。
Of course he guessed wrongly; and of course he at once became an ornament。So the King was greatly pleased; and clapped his hands to summon his Chief Steward。
〃Show these guests to some of the sleeping apartments;〃 he manded; 〃and be quick about it; too; for I'm dreadfully sleepy myself。〃
〃You've no business to sit up so late;〃 replied the Steward; gruffly。
〃You'll be as cross as a griffin tomorrow morning。〃
His Majesty made no answer to this remark; and the Chief Steward led Dorothy through another doorway into a long hall; from which several plain but fortable sleeping rooms opened。The little girl was given the first room; and the Scarecrow and Tiktok the next…although they never slept…and the Lion and the Tiger the third。The Sawhorse hobbled after the Steward into a fourth room; to stand stiffly in the center of it until morning。Each night was rather a bore to the Scarecrow; Tiktok and the Sawhorse; but they had learned from experience to pass the time patiently and quietly; since all their friends who were made of flesh had to sleep and did not like to be disturbed。
When the Chief Steward had left them alone the Scarecrow remarked; sadly:
〃I am in great sorrow over the loss of my old rade; the Tin Woodman。
We have had many dangerous adventures together; and escaped them all; and now it grieves me to know he has bee an ornament; and is lost to me forever。〃
〃He was al…ways an or…na…ment to so…ci…e…ty;〃 said Tiktok。
〃True; but now the Nome King laughs at him; and calls him the funniest ornament in all the palace。It will hurt my poor friend's pride to be laughed at;〃 continued the Scarecrow; sadly。
〃We will make rath…er ab…surd or…na…ments; our…selves; to…mor…row;〃 observed the machine; in his monotonous voice。
Just then Dorothy ran into their room; in a state of great anxiety; crying:
〃Where's Billina?Have you seen Billina?Is she here?〃
〃No;〃 answered the Scarecrow。
〃Then what has bee of her?〃 asked the girl。
〃Why; I thought she was with you;〃 said the Scarecrow。〃Yet I do not remember seeing the yellow hen since she picked up the crumbs of cake。〃
〃We mus