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 He learned several things。
 The first thing he learned was that it wasn't nice to receive a beating。 In the movies; a beating is usually a battle。 The person getting the lumps is a fighting devil 。who manages to pick off a dozen of his assailants before he is finally subdued。 Then he gets up; shakes the dizziness out of his head; wipes a trickle of blood from his lip; dusts off his clothes; and narrows his eyes; leaving the audience to speculate on just what that narrowing of eyes meant。 In real life; a beating is very rarely administered with fists。 The men who worked over Parker on that night in autumn were all as big as he was; and they were armed with sawed…off broom handles; and they really beat the piss out of him。 They kept beating him long after he was unconscious; they beat him within an inch of his life; and the cliche happened to fit the situation well because they damn near beat him to death; and he may have been a lot closer than an inch to leaving the land of the quick。 He had not liked that experience at all。 So the first thing he learned was that he would never again; ever; as long as he walked the earth; be on the receiving end of a beating。 Ever。 He learned this the way a young boy learns his catechism。 I will never again take a beating。 I will never again take a beating。
 And the way to be certain you will never take a beating is to hit first and ask questions later。 It's handy to own a policeman's badge at such times。 It makes apologies to innocent people easier afterward。
 The second thing that Parker learned was that he was being entirely too easy and naive in his approach to police work。 From that day on; Parker would give a summons to anyone who so much as spat on the sidewalk。 In fact; and curiously; from that day on Parker brought in more drunks; vagrants and innocuous offenders than any other cop working in the precinct。 In his own eyes; Parker had stopped being a nice guy。 He was a mean; tough son of a bitch; and he knew it。 And if you didn't happen to like him; that was just too bad。 Parker had a life to lead; and he knew how to lead it。
 I will never again take a beating; he told himself。
 I will never again take a beating。
 In the luncheonette on the corner; Jeff Talbot held the wet handkerchief to the cut on the side of his face; wiping away the blood。 Some of the blood had spilled onto the collar of his jumper; and he was already looking ahead to the scrub job he would have to do on it to get out the stain。 Luis; behind the counter; was more concerned with the sailor's condition than with the excitement in the street outside。 He watched the sailor anxiously; almost like a father。
 〃You all right?〃 he asked。
 〃I'm all right;〃 Jeff replied。 〃What's that kid supposed to be?〃
 〃Is that his name? Yeah。 Him。〃
 〃I don't know。〃
 〃I mean; what the hell; who was giving him any trouble? I was minding my own business。〃
 〃His business is minding other people's business。 He'll wind up no good。 Like Miranda up there。〃
 〃What I'm trying to get at 。。。 well; what's he looking for trouble for? Is he hotheaded or something?〃
 Luis shrugged。 〃No more than most;〃
 〃Spanish people are supposed to be hotheaded; ain't they?〃
 〃Some are; some aren't;〃 Luis said; shrugging again。
 〃We ain't got a single Spanish person in all Fletcher; you know that?〃 Jeff said; a touch of surprise in his voice。 〃I never even seen a Spanish person until today; how do you like that?〃
 〃I never saw anybody from Fletcher until today;〃 Luis answered。
 〃What I'm trying to figure out。。。〃 Jeff paused; studied the blood…smeared handkerchief; and then looked up at Luis。 〃Well; you seem all right。〃
 〃All right?〃
 〃I mean 。。。 you ain't like him。〃 Jeff paused。 〃That Miranda's Spanish too; ain't he?〃
 Jeff said nothing。 He nodded; and then seemed to fall into silent thought。
 〃If you figure that way; sailor; you will be making a big mistake。〃
 〃What way?〃
 〃You know what way。 That's the easy way to figure。〃
 〃This is pretty personal with me; Louise;〃 Jeff said。 〃I got to know。 I ain't doing this just for the fun of it。 It's 。。。 it's important to me。〃
 〃Why is it so important to you?〃
 〃Because; well。。。〃 He looked at the clock on the wall; and he wondered if China would keep her date with him。 And then he wondered if he still wanted to see her。 He frowned and said; 〃It's just important to me; that's all。〃
 Everyone seemed ready for whatever might lie ahead。
 The police in the streets and on the rooftops and in the back yard were ready。 The people watching the show were ready。 Zip and Sixto had obtained a large packing crate from the lot on the corner and had set it up just beyond the barricade; they were ready。 And even Lieutenant Byrnes seemed ready now。 He apparently had learned that his forces were deployed exactly the way he wanted them。 He held a large; battery…powered megaphone; and he stepped out from behind the squad car; put the cumbersome apparatus to his mouth; blew into it several times to test the volume; and then said; 〃Miranda? Pepe Miranda? Can you hear me?〃
 His voice echoed on the silent street。 The people waited for Miranda's reply; but none came。
 〃Can you hear me?〃 Byrnes said again; his voice booming out of the speaker。 Again; there was silence。 In the silence; the crowd seemed to catch its breath together; so that something like a sigh escaped their collective lips。 〃All right; I know you can hear me; so listen to what I'm saying。 We've got this street and the next street blocked。 There are policemen with guns in every window and on every rooftop facing that apartment; front and rear。 You're trapped; Miranda。 You hear that?〃
 Zip and Sixto clambered up onto the crate and peered over the heads of the crowd。 〃This is our box; you dig me?〃 Zip said。 〃Only for the Latin Purples。 I don't want nobody else climbing on it。〃
 〃How about it; Miranda?〃 Byrnes said。 〃You ing out; or do we have to e in after you?〃
 〃Why don't he answer?〃 Zip said impatiently。 He turned to the first…floor windows; cupped his hands to his mouth; and shouted; 〃Answer him; Pepe!〃
 〃If there's shooting around here;〃 Byrnes said into the megaphone; 〃some of these people in the street might get hurt。 Now how about it; are you ing out?〃
 There was another long silence。 Byrnes waited。
 〃Okay;〃 he started; 〃if you。。。〃 and the voice came suddenly from one of the first…floor windows。 There was 。no body attached to the voice; no one visible in any of the windows。 The voice seemed to materialize from nowhere; a shouted voice which rang into the street; cutting off the lieutenant's words。
 〃Who did I shoot?〃
 〃It's Pepe!〃 Zip shouted; and the cry spread through the crowd like lava rushing down a mountainside; 〃It's Pepe; Pepe; it's Pepe; it's Pepe; Pepe; Pepe。〃
 〃You shot one of our patrolmen;〃 Byrnes said。
 〃Did I kill him?〃 Miranda shouted from the apartment; still invisible; his voice floating down into the street。
 〃You're lying to me。 I killed him。〃
 〃You hit him in the shoulder。 Are you ing out?〃
 〃Did I kill him? Is he dead?〃
 〃Let them e after you; Pepe!〃 Zip shouted。
 〃Miranda; we don't want to play games here。 If you 're ing out。。。〃
 A new sound erupted; drowning out the words that came from the megaphone; filling the air with its familiar wail。
 〃What's that?〃 Miranda shouted。
 〃It's an ambulance。 What do you say; Miranda?〃
 〃He shouldn't have tried nothing with me;〃 Miranda said。 〃He could have got killed。 I could have killed him。〃
 〃Butyou didn't。 So what do you say? Yes or no? You ing out?〃
 〃No!〃 Miranda shouted; suddenly and viciously。 〃You think you got some cheap punk up here? This is Pepe Miranda!〃 His voice rose。 〃You hear me? You want me; you e in here and get me!〃
 〃That's telling them; Pepe!〃 Zip yelled; and he poked Sixto in the ribs; and suddenly the street was alive with cheers of encouragement。
 〃Yea; Pepe!〃
 〃Bravo; Pepe!〃
 〃Tell 'em; tell 'em!〃
 〃Quiet!〃 Byrnes roared。 〃Everybody quiet!〃 Patrolmen moved quickly into the crowd; and the people in the street fell suddenly silent。 But the rooftops still rang with cheers for the trapped killer in the apartment。 Byrnes waited for the sound to d
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