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 he makes some concession。 He knows we're considering the idea that this may be a trap。 He knows we're not stupid。
 〃What is it now?〃 Miranda said。
 〃The priest stays right where he is unless I get some promises from you;〃 Byrnes said。
 〃Here we go;〃 Miranda answered; and the people in the street began chuckling。
 〃Yes; here we go; Miranda。 I'm not sending up a man you can use as a shield to get out of that apartment。〃
 〃What kind of a louse do you think I am?〃
 〃Do I have to answer that one?〃 Byrnes said; and again the crowd chuckled。 This was beginning to get good。 None of that grim stuff any more。 Just a plain old battle of wits; like a good television routine。
 〃All right; cop; what do you want from me?〃
 〃Number one: we're sending up an unarmed man who insists he wants to see you alone as a representative of God。 I want you to respect that; Miranda。〃 God forgive me; Byrnes thought。
 〃All right; all right。〃
 〃Number two: I want you to talk to him。 About ing out of there。 I don't know why you want to see him; and I don't care。 But I want your promise that you'll talk to him about ing out。〃
 〃Is that all?〃
 〃Do I have your promise?〃
 〃What makes you think I'll keep any promise I make?〃
 〃This is a man of God; Miranda。〃
 〃Okay; okay; I promise。〃
 〃Did you hear him; Father?〃 Byrnes asked Carella。
 〃I heard him;〃 Carella answered。
 〃You can enter the building any time you like。〃
 Carella nodded; sucked in another deep breath; walked directly to the front stoop of the tenement; and entered the hallway。
 Byrnes put down the megaphone; looked at his watch; and then told Captain Frick he wanted four of the best marksmen he could find。 Then he began praying。
 If you're God; you've got all these little things to take care of; you see。 Oh; not the business of getting the sun to rise on time; or the stars to e out。 And not riding herd on the seasons so that they arrive when they're supposed to; not things like that。 Those are the big things; and the big things almost take care of themselves。 It's those damn little things that get so bothersome。 And if you're God; you can't just ignore them; you know。 You can; of course; move in mysterious ways your wonders to perform。 This means that you can leave a few loose ends here and there and nobody will question them because you are; after all; God。 Maybe you've got a bigger design in mind which will not bee apparent to us poor slobs until maybe decades from now。 Or centuries。 So who are we to question? Being God; you are perfectly entitled to occasional sloppiness。
 Or maybe these things aren't even in your control; who knows? Maybe you just sort of set the universe every day; the way somebody sets a clock; and then let it run on its own; fast or slow; however it wants to; without touching it again until it's run down and needs another winding。 Maybe that's the way you operate; and nobody's going to question that either; God; you can bet your life on that; God。
 Only sometimes; no offense meant; you ought to work a thing out and not just let it happen; you know? Like take that Puerto Rican girl and that sailor; take them for example。 Now; being God; you could fix them up real fine; couldn't you? Like; for example; Zip and Cooch could find her; you see; and Zip is dragging her down the street towards Alfie's pad when wham! who should appear? The sailor! How's that; huh? He didn't go off with the whore Marge; you see。 He only started to; but then he changed his mind。 And here he is back on the street; face to face with China。 He looks at her; and she looks at him; and their eyes lock; and slowly they walk across that street to each other; and tolerance and understanding flash in the sailor's eyes; I love you; China; coupled with a little bit of honest lust; I love you; Jeff; wham they clinch; and we fade out on Zip who shrugs his shoulders and says; 〃Oh well; what the hell; easy e; easy go。〃
 How's that; God?〃
 That's great。
 But that isn't the way it happened。
 The street was impossible。 The crowd was anxious for the kill now; anxious for the die to be cast either way。 They didn't much give a damn at this moment whether or not Miranda would kill the priest and the police lieutenant and the missioner and the mayor and the governor and even the president。 They didn't care whether or not a cop on one of the rooftops would fire a lucky shot and catch Miranda splank between the eyeballs。 They only wanted it to be over and done with; either way。 And so the crowd was restless; and a little mean; and hot; and unfortable。 It was a crowd which was beginning to resent this tie game which had run into fourteen innings。 The tenth inning had been a treat and the eleventh a distinct bonus and the twelfth a lovely dividend; but the thirteenth brought on thoughts of other things to be done。 Watching a game was great fun … but life was real and life was earnest; and life was going on outside that ball park。
 So the crowd resisted the shoving of Zip and Cooch; and occasionally the crowd shoved back at the two boys and cursed a bit; and did everything possible to make the task of locating China unimaginably difficult。
 In fifteen minutes' time; Zip and Cooch gave up the search。
 It was just as well that they had; because China wasn't in the neighborhood any longer。 China had gone over to the park where she had sat by the lake and watched the people in the rowboats。 That's where China was。 She cried a little; yes。 In the park; by the lake; watching the rowboats。
 The sailor? Did he wander back to the street? Did he amble over to the park?
 The sailor went to bed with a prostitute named Marge。 Marge was a practiced whore; and she pleased the sailor immensely。 The sailor paid her fifteen dollars; which was nearly every cent he had。 Then he walked to the subway; got on a train; went downtown to where his ship was docked; started up the gangway; saluted the ensign on the fantail; saluted the officer of the deck; went to the rear partment; took off his whites; put on a pair of dungarees and a chambray shirt; climbed into his sack; and went to sleep until the loud…speaker amidships announced; 〃Chow down。〃 He ate a good dinner; saw a movie on the boat deck that evening; went to bed about eleven o'clock; and sailed for San Diego the next morning。 He never saw the Puerto Rican girl named China again in his life。 He probably went back to Fletcher; Colorado; eventually。 Maybe she flashed into his mind every now and then … like once every twelve years。 Maybe he remembered her dimly and wondered what had bee of her。 Maybe; married to Corrine and running an insurance business; he sporadically thought of China in an idealized way; the most beautiful girl in the world; exotic; that day in a strange city; far away; I wonder what became of her; I wonder。
 She sat in the park and wept a bit and watched the rowboats。
 You are God; and you can do it any way you want to。 You can even get them married the next day before his ship sails。 Anything you want to do。 All the possibilities are there。 And you're God; and there isn't anyone who's going to slap your wrist; no matter how you do it。
 But God; man; that is the way it happened。
 Steve Carella knocked on the door。 There were bullet holes in the door; and Carella remembered that Pepe Miranda had shot a patrolman through that door; and he suddenly wanted his 。38 in his hand。
 Now; easy; he told himself。 Now just take'it easy; and don't panic。 We are going to play this Miranda's way because there are a lot of people out there on the street; and we don't want them to be getting shot。 So be cool。 Your hand is shaking; and you are itching to pull that 。38 so that you'll have something more than a set of prayer beads in your fist when that door opens; but be cool; Steve…o; be cool and。。。
 The door opened。
 A 。45 automatic was the first thing Carella saw。 The door opened just a crack; and there was the 。45; its big ugly snout pointing into the hallway。 Carella's mouth felt very dry。
 〃I'm 。。。 Father Donovan;〃 he said to the automatic。
 The door opened wider。 Carella's eyes panned up from the 。45; the hand holding it; the thin wrist; the black hair curling on the arm; the narrow shoulders; the sweat…stai
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