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 The door opened wider。 Carella's eyes panned up from the 。45; the hand holding it; the thin wrist; the black hair curling on the arm; the narrow shoulders; the sweat…stained undershirt; the sudden puff of black hair in the hollow of the throat; the wings of the man's collarbones; his thin neck; and high cheekbones; brown eyes; puffed lids; a balding head; and desperation。 Add a man up; add the parts; form a total picture; and the total is desperation。 It was there in Miranda's eyes and in his mouth and even in the way he held the 。45; his head tilted to one side; his shoulder sort of leaning into the gun; the gun close to his body as if it were something he cherished; a tie to reality。
 〃e in a minute;〃 Miranda said。
 Carella stepped into the apartment。 The place was a shambles。 The furniture; the floors; everything in the room bore the ravaging marks of gunfire。 It was inconceivable to think that a human being had been in this bullet…pocked room and managed to escape getting shot。
 〃Looks like they dropped an atom bomb in here; don't it?〃 Miranda said。
 〃Yes;〃 Carella answered。
 〃You're not scared; are you? They won't shoot with you in here; it's all right。〃
 Carella nodded。 He was not scared。 It was only 。。。 he felt odd all at once。 He did not feel like a cop。 Miranda was not treating him as if he were a cop。 Miranda was behaving as if he were truly a priest; a person he could talk to; relax with。 He wanted to say; 〃I'm not what you think; Miranda! Don't show yourself to me!〃 but the words would not e。
 〃Boy; this has been murder;〃 Miranda said。 〃Look; I didn't ask you up here to confess to you or nothing。 I think we ought to get that straight。〃
 〃Then why did you ask me to e up?〃
 〃Well。。。〃 Miranda shrugged。 He seemed like a young kid in that moment; a young kid who is about to tell a priest that he took off a girl's underpants on the roof。 Carella kept staring at him。 Miranda held the 。45 in his hand loosely; expecting no trouble from this man he thought was a priest; embarrassed because he was about to reveal something; dishonorable to him。 〃I'll put it to you straight; Father;〃 he said。 〃I got to get out of this apartment。〃
 〃So 。。。 so you're going to take me out。〃
 〃I am?〃
 Miranda nodded。 〃I know that's pretty crumby。 But I got
 to get out of here。〃…〃Where do you go from here; Pepe?〃
 〃I don't know。〃 Miranda shook his head。 〃You know; Father; you reach the point where 。。。 where there ain't many places left to go。〃 He laughed nervously。 〃Where。。。〃 He laughed again。 〃I don't know。 I don't know where I'll go once I get out of here。〃
 〃There're a lot of cops out there; Pepe。〃
 〃Yeah; I know。〃 He sighed。 〃Man; this kind of stuff 。。。 I hate this kind of Public Enemy Number One stuff; you dig? I just hate it。 Oh man; it's like 。。。 like something is expected of me; you know what I mean? I've got to be the bad guy。 I don't know if it makes any sense to you; Father。〃
 〃I'm not sure it does;〃 Carella answered; puzzled。
 〃Well; like 。。。 like there are sides。 I'm the bad guy。〃 He shrugged。 〃I've always been the bad guy。 Ever since I was a kid。 So I'm still the bad guy。 They expect me to be the bad guy。 The people; I mean。 It's like 。。。 I don't know if I can explain this。 It's like sometimes I don't know who is the real Pepe Miranda; and who is the guy I 。。。 the pictures of the guy; you follow? The various pictures of the guy。〃
 〃I don't know what you mean;〃 Carella said。
 〃The pictures;〃 Miranda repeated。 〃Like the cops have a picture of me。〃 He chuckled。 〃It's got a number right across the face of it。〃 He chuckled again。 〃And the people in the street got another picture of me。 And the kids got a picture。 And you got a picture。 But they're all different pictures; and none of them are really me; Pepe Miranda。〃
 〃Then who is?〃 Carella asked。
 〃I don't know。〃
 〃You've killed people; Pepe。〃
 〃Yeah。〃 He paused。 〃I know。〃 He shrugged; but it was not a shrug of indifference; not a shrug which said; 〃So I killed r people; so what?〃 If it had been that; Carella would have instantly felt like a cop again。 But it was not that。 It was simply a shrug which said; 〃I know I've killed people; but I don't know why;〃 and so Carella still felt like a man who had e up here to talk to Miranda; not to harm him。
 〃Well; anyway;〃 Miranda said; 〃I've got to get out of here。〃
 〃Because the people in the street expect it?〃 Carella asked。
 〃No。 No; I don't think that's。。。〃
 〃Then why?〃
 〃Well。。。〃 Miranda sighed heavily。 〃I ain't got a chance; Father;〃 he said simply。
 〃Then give up。〃
 〃Why? Go to jail? Maybe the electric chair if that woman dies? Don't you see? I got nothing to lose。〃
 He recognized in an instant that Miranda was absolutely right。 Moreover; if Carella were in his position; in this apartment; surrounded by policemen; facing either a lifelong jail sentence or death in the electric chair; he would undoubtedly react in exactly the way that Miranda was reacting。 He would try to get out of that apartment by fair means or foul。 He would try to escape。
 〃Well。。。〃 he said; and he fell silent。
 The two men faced each other。
 〃You see what I mean; Father?〃
 Miranda shrugged。 The apartment was silent。
 〃So 。。。 so I got to use you as a shield; Father。 They won't shoot if I e out with you in front of me。〃
 〃Suppose they refuse to recognize 。。。〃
 〃Oh; they won't。 They won't try nothing。 I'll tell them I'll shoot you if they try anything。〃
 〃And if they should try something? Will you shoot me; Pepe?〃
 Pepe Miranda frowned。
 〃Will you; Pepe?〃
 After a long while he said; 〃I got to get out of this apartment; Father。 I got to get out of here!〃
 There were two patrolmen on either side of the stoop。 Captain Frick had chosen them from his ranks; had chosen four of his best shots; and then they had gone to Lieutenant Byrnes for their instructions。 Their instructions were simple。 Shoot to kill。
 And so they waited on either side of the doorway now; four marksmen with their pistols drawn; waiting for something to happen。
 From the first…floor windows of the tenement; Miranda's voice came。
 〃This is Miranda! I've got the priest。 I'm ing out。〃
 〃What do you mean; Miranda? You're giving up?〃
 〃Giving up; my ass! The priest is ing out with me。 If you've got any cops in the hallway; you'd better get them out now。 You hear me?〃
 〃It's gonna work;〃 Parker whispered to Byrnes。
 〃There are no policemen in the hallway; Miranda。〃
 〃There better not be。 I want a clear path when I e out。 This priest is staying with me all the way。 Anybody so much as looks cockeyed at me; the priest gets it。〃
 〃I thought you made a promise; Miranda。〃
 〃Don't make me laugh! I'm ing out。〃
 Byrnes put down the megaphone and quickly drew his revolver。 He turned slightly; so that his body hid the revolver which hung in his hand alongside his right thigh。 Parker drew his gun; too; and then looked around for a good spot from which to fire。 Behind the squad car? No; no。 There! There was a place! The packing crate over there。 He pushed his way through the crowd and climbed onto the crate。 He checked the chambers of his 。38; wiped his upper lip; and then faced the doorway。 The street was very silent now。 Upstairs; inside the building; they could hear a door slamming。
 〃Any cops in the hallway?〃 Miranda shouted。 〃Any cops here?〃
 There was no answer。 Standing; watching the doorway; watching the patrolmen flanking the stoop; Byrnes thought; All he has to do is turn his head。 He'll see the patrolmen; and he'll put a bullet in Steve's back。 That's all he has to do。 Patiently; Byrnes held his breath。
 〃I got the priest;〃 Miranda shouted from the hallway。 〃Don't try nothing; you hear?〃
 The crowd had turned toward the doorway to the building。 They could see nothing beyond the door。 The hallway was dark; and the bright sunshine did not reach beyond the flat top step of the stoop。
 〃Clear a path!〃 Miranda shouted。 〃Clear a path; or I'll shoot into the crowd! I don't care who gets hurt!〃
 The crowd could see a pair of figures in the hallway now; dimly。 The priest was almost invisible because of his black cassock; but Miranda could be seen fairly clearly
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