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 Pat nods。 〃Hi; Lara。〃 Her manner is not the least defensive。 She trusts in Ray's love; and in her own。
 That is going to change。 I think of Riley's puter; which I have left in his office。 It will not be terribly long before the police e to look around; and maybe take the puter away。 But I have not taken the machine because I would have no way of explaining to Ray what I was doing with it; much less be able to convince him to open its data files。 〃Hello; Pat;〃 I say。 〃Nice to meet you。〃 〃Same here;〃 she says。 〃That's a beautiful dress。〃 〃Thank you。〃 I would have preferred to have met Ray without Pat around。 Then it would have been easier for him to start a relationship with me without her between us。 Yet I am confident I can gather Ray's interest。 What man could resist what I have to offer? My eyes go back to him。 〃What are we studying in this class?〃 I ask。
 〃European history;〃 he says; 〃The class just gives a broad overview。 Right now we're talking about the French Revolution。 Know anything about it?〃
 〃I knew Marie Antoinette personally;〃 I lie。 I knew of Antoinette; but I was never close to the French nobility; for they were boring。 But I was there; in the crowd; the day Marie Antoinette was beheaded。 I actually sighed when the blade sliced across her neck。 The guillotine was one of the few methods of execution that disturbed me。 I have been hanged a couple of times and crucified on four separate occasions; but I got over it。 But had I lost my head; I know that would have been the end。 I was there at the start of the French Revolution; but I was in America before it ended。
 〃Did she really say; 'Let them eat cake'?〃 Ray asks; going along with what he thought was a joke。
 〃I believe it was her aunt who said that。〃 The teacher; Mr。 Castor; enters the room; a sad…looking example of a modern educator if ever there was one。 He only smiles at the pretty girls as he strides to the front of the room。 He is attractive in an aftershave…mercial sort of way。 I nod to him。 〃What's he like?〃
 Ray shrugs。 〃Not bad。〃
 〃But not good?〃
 Ray sizes me up。 〃I think he'll like you。〃
 The class starts。 Mr。 Castro introduces me to the rest of the students and asks me to stand and talk about myself。 I remain seated and say ten words。 Mr。 Castor appears put out but lets it go。 The lesson begins。
 Ah; history; what an illusion humanity has of the past。 And yet scholars argue the reality of their texts until they are blue in the face; even though something as recent as the Second World War is remembered in a manner that has no feeling for the times; for feeling; not events; is to me the essence of history。 The majority of people recollect World War II as a great adventure against impossible odds; while it was nothing but an unceasing parade of suffering。 How quickly mortals forget。 But I forget nothing。 Even I; a bloodthirsty harlot if ever there was one; have never witnessed a glorious war。
 Mr。 Castro has no feeling for the past。 He doesn't even have his facts straight。 He lectures for thirty minutes; and I grow increasingly bored。 The bright sun has me a bit sleepy。 He catches me peeking out the window。
 〃Miss Adams;〃 he says; interrupting my reverie。 〃Could you give us your thoughts on the French nobility?〃
 〃I think they were very noble;〃 I say;
 Mr。 Castro frowns。 〃You approve of their excesses at the expense of the poor?〃
 I glance at Ray before answering; I do not think he wants the typical teenage girl; not deep inside; and I have no intention of acting like one。 He is watching me; the darling boy。
 〃I don't approve or disapprove;〃 I say。 〃I accept it。 People in power always take advantage of those without power。〃
 〃That sounds like a generalization if I ever heard one;〃 Mr。 Castro replies。 〃What school did you go to before moving to Mayfair?〃
 〃What school I went to doesn't matter〃
 〃It sounds as if you have a problem with authority;〃 Mr。 Castro says。
 〃Not always。 It depends。〃
 〃On what?〃
 〃Whether the authority is foolish or not;〃 I say with a smite that leaves no doubt I am talking about him。 Mr。 Castro; wisely; passes me over and goes on to another topic。
 But the teacher asks me to stay behind when the bell rings。 This bothers me; I wish to use this time to speak to Ray。 I watch as he leaves the room with Pat。 He glances over his shoulder at me just before he goes out of sight。 Mr。 Castro taps his desk; wanting my attention。
 〃Is there something wrong?〃 I ask him。
 〃I hope not;〃 Mr。 Castro says。 〃I am concerned; however; that we get off to a good start。 That each of us understands where the other is ing from。〃
 I stare at him; not strongly enough to cause him to wilt; but enough to make him squirm。 〃I believe I understand exactly where you're ing from;〃 I say。
 He is annoyed。 〃Oh; and where is that?〃
 I can smell alcohol on his breath; from the previous night; and alcohol from the night before that; and the night before that。 He is only thirty; but the circles under his eyes indicate his liver is close to seventy。 His tough stance is only an image; his hands shake as he waits for me to respond。 His eyes are all over my body。 I decide to ignore his question。
 〃You think I have a bad attitude;〃 I say。 〃Honestly; I am not what you think。 If you knew me you would appreciate my understanding of history and 。。。〃 I let my voice trail off。 〃Other things。〃
 〃What grade are you hoping to get in this class?〃
 His question makes me laugh; it is so ridiculous。 I lean over and give his cheek a pinch; a hard one that makes him jump。 He's lucky I don't do the same to his crotch。 〃Why; Mr。 Castro; I'm sure you're going to give little old Lara just about any grade she wants; don't you think?〃
 He tries to brush my hand away; but of course it is already gone。 〃Hey! You better watch it; miss。〃
 I giggle。 〃I'll be watching you; Mr。 Castro。 Just to make sure you don't die of drink before the semester's over。 I've got to get that good grade; you know。〃
 〃I don't drink;〃 he protests feebly as I walk away。
 〃And I don't give a damn about my grade;〃 I say over my shoulder。
 I fail to catch Ray before my next class starts; which I do not share with him。 Seems my pseudo guardian was unable to match my schedule exactly to Ray's。 I sit through fifty minutes of trigonometry; which naturally I know almost as well as history。 I manage to refrain from alienating the teacher。
 The next period I don't have with Ray either; although I know fourth period we will be together in biology。 Third is P。E。 and I have brought blue shorts and a white T…shirt to wear。 The girlfriend; Pat McQueen; has the locker beside mine and speaks to me as we undress。
 〃Why did Castro ask you to stay behind?〃 she asks。
 〃He wanted to ask me out。〃
 〃He likes the girls; that guy。 What did you think of Ray?〃
 Pat is not excessively paranoid; but she is trying to ascertain where I am ing from。 〃I think he needs lots of love;〃 I say。
 Pat is not sure what to think of that; so she laughs。 〃I give him more than he can handle。〃 She pauses; admiring my momentarily naked body。 〃You know; you really are incredibly beautiful。 You must have guys hitting on you all the time。〃
 I pull on my shorts。 〃I don't mind。 I just hit them back。 Hard。〃
 Pat smiles; a bit nervously。
 Phys ed is currently educating the boys and girls of Mayfair in the rudiments of archery。 I am intrigued。 The class is coed and the bow and arrow in my hands bring back old memories。 Perhaps; though; the ancient memory of Arjuna; Krishna's best friend and the greatest archer of all time; is not one I should stir。 For Arjuna killed more vampires than any other mortal。
 All with one bow。
 All in one night。
 All because Krishna wished it so。
 Pat follows me out onto the field; but tactfully separates herself from me as we select our equipment。 I have already spooked her; and I don't think that is bad。 I wear strong sunglasses; gray tinted。 As I gather my bow and arrows; an anemic…looking young man with thick glasses and headphones speaks to me。
 〃You're new; aren't you?〃 he asks。
 〃Yes。 My name is Lara Adams。 Who are you?〃
 〃Seymour Dorsten。〃 He offers his hand。 〃Pleased to meet you。〃
 My flesh encloses his; and I know instantly tha
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