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 do until we can have some made up。 I don't care。 One way or another; let's get the goddam beaches closed。〃 Monday morning; Brody arrived at the office a little after seven。 〃Did you get it?〃 he said to Hendricks。
       〃It's on your desk。〃
       〃Good or bad? Never mind。 I'll go see for myself。〃
       〃You won't have to look too hard。〃
       The city edition of the New York Times lay in the center of Brody's desk。 About three quarters of the way down the right…hand column on page one; he saw the headline: SHARK KILLS TWO ON LONG ISLAND Brody said; 〃Shit;〃 and began to read。
       By William F。 Whitman Special to The New York Times AMITY L。I。 June 20 … A six…year…old boy and a 65…year…old man were killed today in separate shark attacks that occurred within an hour of each other near the beaches of this resort munity。
       Although the body of the boy; Alexander Kintner; was not found; officials said there was no question that he was killed by a shark。 A witness; Thomas Daguerre; of New York; said he saw a large silver… colored object rise out of the water and seize the boy and his rubber raft and disappear into the water with a splash。
       Amity coroner Carl Santos reported that traces of blood found on shreds of rubber recovered later left no doubt that the boy had died a violent death。
       At least fifteen persons witnessed the attack on Morris Cater; 65; which took place at approximately 2 p。m。 a quarter of a mile down the beach from where young Kintner was attacked。
       Apparently; Mr。 Cater was swimming just beyond the surf line when he was suddenly struck from behind。 He called out for help; but all attempts to rescue him were in vain。
       〃I went in up to my waist and tried to get to him;〃 said Amity police officer Leonard Hendricks; who was on the beach at the time; 〃but the fish kept hitting him。〃
       Mr。 Cater; a jewelry wholesaler with offices at 1224 Avenue of the Americas; was pronounced dead on arrival at Southampton Hospital。
       These incidents are the first documented cases of shark attacks on bathers on the Eastern Seaboard in more than two decades。 According to Dr。 David Dieter; an ichthyologist at the New York Aquarium at Coney Island; it is logical to assume … but by no means a certainty … that both attacks were the work of one shark。
       〃At this time of year in these waters;〃 said Dr。 Dieter; 〃there are very few sharks。 It's rare at any time of year for sharks to e so close to the beach。 So the chances that two sharks would be off the same beach at virtually the same time … and would each attack someone … are infinitesimal。〃
       When informed that one witness described the shark that attacked Mr。 Cater as being 〃as large as a station wagon;〃 Dr。 Dieter said the shark was probably a 〃great white〃 (Carcharodon carcharias); a species known throughout the world for its voraciousness and aggressiveness。
       In 1916; he said; a great white killed four bathers in New Jersey on one day … the only other recorded instance of multiple shark…attack fatalities in the United States in this century。 Dr。 Dieter attributed the attacks to 〃bad luck; like a flash of lightning that hits a house。 The shark was probably just passing by。 It happened to be a nice day; and there happened to be people swimming; and he happened to e along。 It was pure chance。〃
       Amity is a summer munity on the south shore of Long Island; approximately midway between Bridgehampton and East Hampton; with a wintertime population of 1;000。 In the summer; the population increases to 10;000。 Brody finished reading the article and set the paper on the desk。 Chance; that doctor said; pure chance。 What would he say if he knew about the first attack? Still pure chance? Or would it be negligence; gross and unforgivable? There were three people dead now; and two of them could still be alive; if only Brody had。。。
       〃You've seen the Times;〃 said Meadows。 He was standing in the doorway。
       〃Yeah; I've seen it。 They didn't pick up the Watkins thing。〃
       〃I know。 Kind of curious; especially after Len's little slip of the tongue。〃
       〃But you did use it。〃
       〃I did。 I had to。 Here。〃 Meadows handed Brody a copy of the Amity Leader。 The banner headline ran across all six columns of page one: TWO KILLED BY MONSTER SHARK OFF AMITY BEACH。 Below that; in smaller type; a subhead: Number of Victims of Killer Fish Rises to Three。
       〃You sure get your news up high; Harry。〃
       〃Read on。〃
       Brody read: Two summer visitors to Amity were brutally slain yesterday by a maneating shark that attacked them as they frolicked in the chill waters off the Scotch Road beach。
       Alexander Kintner; age 6; who lived with his mother in the Goose Neck Lane house owned by Mr。 and Mrs。 Richard Packer; was the first to die … attacked from below as he lay on a rubber raft。 His body has not been found。
       Less than half an hour later; Morris Cater; 65; who was spending the weekend at the Abelard Arms Inn; was attacked from behind as he swam in the gentle surf off the public beach。
       The giant fish struck again and again; savaging Mr。 Cater as he cried for help。 Patrolman Len Hendricks; who by sheer coincidence was taking his first swim in five years; made a valiant attempt to rescue the struggling victim; but the fish gave no quarter。 Mr。 Cater was dead by the time he was pulled clear of the water。
       The deaths were the second and third to be caused by shark attack off Amity in the past five days。
       Last Wednesday night; Miss Christine Watkins; a guest of Mr。 and Mr。 John Foote of Old Mill Road; went for a swim and vanished。 Thursday morning; Police Chief Martin Brody and Officer Hendricks recovered her body。 According to coroner Carl Santos; the cause of death was 〃definitely and incontrovertibly shark attack。〃
       Asked why the cause of death was not made public; Mr。 Santos declined to ment。 Brody looked up from the paper and said; 〃Did Santos really decline to ment?〃
       〃No。 He said nobody but you and I had asked him about the cause of death; so he didn't feel pelled to tell anybody。 As you can see; I couldn't print that response。 It would have pinned everything on you and me。 I had hoped I could get him to say something like; 'Her family requested that the cause of death be kept private; and since there was obviously no crime involved; I agreed;' but he wouldn't。 I can't say I blame him。〃
       〃So what did you do?〃
       〃I tried to get hold of Larry Vaughan; but he was away for the weekend。 I thought he'd be the best official spokesman。〃
       〃And when you couldn't reach him?〃
       〃Read。〃 It was understood; however; that Amity police and government officials had decided to withhold the information in the public interest。 〃People tend to overreact when they hear about a shark attack;〃 said one member of the Board of Selectmen。 〃We didn't want to start a panic。 And we had an expert's opinion that the odds against another attack were astronomical。〃 〃Who was your talkative selectman?〃 asked Brody。
       〃All of them and none of them;〃 said Meadows。 〃It's basically what they all said; but none of them would be quoted。〃
       〃What about the beaches not being closed? Did you go into that?〃
       〃You did。〃
       〃I did?〃 Asked why he had not ordered the beaches closed until the marauding shark was apprehended; Chief Brody said; 〃The Atlantic Ocean is huge。
       Fish swim in it and move from place to place。 They don't always stay in one area; especially an area like this where there is no food source。 What were we going to do? Close the Amity beaches; and people would just drive up to East Hampton and go swimming there。 And there's just as good a chance that they'd get killed in East Hampton as in Amity。〃 After yesterday's attacks; however; Chief Brody did order the beaches closed until further notice。 〃Jesus; Harry;〃 said Brody; 〃you really put it to me。 You've got me arguing a case I don't believe; then being proved wrong and forced to do what I wanted to do all along。
       That's a pretty shitty trick。〃
       〃It wasn't a trick。 I had to have someone give the official line; and with Vaughan away; you were the logical one。 You admit that you agre
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