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       〃What about the TV people?〃
       〃They're gone。 They left a few minutes ago。 They wanted to know where you were。 Over。〃
       〃What for?〃
       〃Beats me。 Over。〃
       〃Did you tell them?〃
       〃Sure。 I didn't see why not。 Over。〃
       〃Okay。 I'll talk to you later。〃 Brody decided to take a walk。 He pushed a finger into one of the pink blotches on his thigh。 It turned stark white; then flushed angry red when he removed his finger。 He stood; wrapped his towel around his waist to keep the sun from his legs; and; carrying the walkie…talkie; strolled toward the water。
       He heard the sound of a car engine; and he turned and walked to the top of the dune。 A white panel truck was parked on Scotch Road。 The black lettering on its side said; 〃WNBC…TV News。〃 The driver's door opened; and a man got out and trudged through the sand toward Brody。
       As the man drew closer; Brody thought he looked vaguely familiar。 He was young; with long; curly hair and a handlebar moustache。
       〃Chief Brody?〃 he said when he was a few steps away。
       〃That's right。〃
       〃They told me you'd be here。 I'm Bob Middleton; Channel Four News。〃
       〃Are you the reporter?〃
       〃Yeah。 The crew's in the truck。〃
       〃I thought I'd seen you somewhere。 What can I do for you?〃
       〃I'd like to interview you。〃
       〃About what?〃
       〃The whole shark business。 How you decided to open the beaches。〃
       Brody thought for a moment; then said to himself; What the hell: a little publicity couldn't hurt the town; now that the chances of anything happening … today; at least … are pretty slim。 〃All right;〃 he said。 〃Where do you want to do it?〃
       〃Down on the beach。 I'll get the crew。 It'll take a few minutes to set up; so if you have something to do; feel free。 I'll give a yell when we're ready。〃 Middleton trotted away toward the truck。
       Brody had nothing special to do; but since he had started to take a walk; he thought he might as well take it。 He walked down toward the water。
       As he passed the group of teen…agers; he heard a boy say; 〃What about it? Anybody got the guts? Ten bucks is ten bucks。〃
       A girl said; 〃e on; Limbo; lay off。〃
       Brody stopped about fifteen feet away; feigning interest in something offshore。
       〃What for?〃 said the boy。 〃It's a pretty good offer。 I don't think anybody's got the guts。 Five minutes ago; you were all telling me there's no way that shark's still around here。〃 Another boy said; 〃If you're such hot shit; why don't you go in?〃
       〃I'm the one making the offer;〃 said the first boy。 〃Nobody's gonna pay me ten bucks to go in the water。 Well; what do you say?〃
       There was a moment's silence; and then the other boy said; 〃Ten bucks? Cash?〃
       〃It's right here;〃 said the first boy; shaking a ten…dollar bill。
       〃How far out do I have to go?〃
       〃Let's see。 A hundred yards。 That's a pretty good distance。 Okay?〃
       〃How do I know how far a hundred yards is?〃
       〃Guess。 Just keep swimming for a while and then stop。 If it looks like you're a hundred yards out; I'll wave you back。〃
       〃You've got a deal。〃 The boy stood up。
       The girl said; 〃You're crazy; Jimmy。 Why do you want to go in the water? You don't need ten dollars。〃
       〃You think I'm scared?〃
       〃Nobody said anything about being scared;〃 said the girl。 〃It's unnecessary; is all。〃
       〃Ten bucks is never unnecessary;〃 said the boy; 〃especially when your old man cuts off your allowance for blowing a little grass at your aunt's wedding。〃
       The boy turned and began to jog toward the water。 Brody said; 〃Hey!〃 and the boy stopped。
       Brody walked over to the boy。 〃What are you doing?〃
       〃Going swimming。 Who are you?〃
       Brody took out his wallet and showed the boy his badge。 〃Do you want to go swimming?〃 he said。 He saw the boy look past him at his friends。
       〃Sure。 Why not? It's legal; isn't it?〃
       Brody nodded。 He didn't know whether the others were out of earshot; so he lowered his voice and said; 〃Do you want me to order you not to?〃
       The boy looked at him; hesitated for a moment; then shook his head。 〃No; man。 I can use the ten bucks。〃
       〃Don't stay in too long;〃 said Brody。
       〃I won't。〃 The boy scampered into the water。 He flung himself over a small wave and began to swim。
       Brody heard footsteps running behind him。 Bob Middleton dashed past him and called out to the boy; 〃Hey! e back!〃 He waved his arms and called again。
       The boy stopped swimming and stood up。 〃What's the matter?〃
       〃Nothing。 I want to get some shots of you going into the water。 Okay?〃
       〃Sure; I guess so;〃 said the boy。 He began to wade back toward shore。
       Middleton turned to Brody and said; 〃I'm glad I caught him before he got too far out。 At least we'll get somebody swimming out here today。〃
       Two men came up beside Brody。 One was carrying a 16 mm。 camera and a tripod。
       He wore bat boots; fatigue trousers; a khaki shirt; and a leather vest。 The other man was shorter and older and fatter。 He wore a rumpled gray suit and carried a rectangular box covered with dials and knobs。 Around his neck was a pair of earphones。
       〃Right there's okay; Walter;〃 said Middleton。 〃Let me know when you're ready。〃
       He took a notebook from his pocket and began to ask the boy some questions。
       The elderly man walked down to Middleton and handed him a microphone。 He backed up to the cameraman; feeding wire off a coil in his hand。
       〃Anytime;〃 said the cameraman。
       〃I gotta get a level on the kid;〃 said the man with the earphones。
       〃Say something;〃 Middleton told the boy; and he held the microphone a few inches from the boy's mouth。
       〃What do you want me to say?〃
       〃That's good;〃 said the man with the earphones。
       〃Okay;〃 said Middleton。 〃We'll start tight; Walter; then go to a two…shot; okay? Give me speed when you're ready。〃
       The cameraman peered into the eyepiece; raised a finger; and pointed it at Middleton。 〃Speed;〃 he said。
       Middleton looked at the camera and said; 〃We have been here on the Amity beach since early this morning; and as far as we know; no one has yet dared venture into the water。 There has been no sign of the shark; but the threat still lingers。 I'm standing here with Jim Prescott; a young man who has just decided to take a swim。 Tell me; Jim; do you have any worries about what might be swimming out there with you?〃
       〃No;〃 said the boy。 〃I don't think there's anything out there。〃
       〃So you're not scared。〃
       〃Are you a good swimmer?〃
       〃Pretty good。〃
       Middleton held out his hand。 〃Well; good luck; Jim。 Thanks for talking to us。〃
       The boy shook Middleton's hand。 〃Yeah;〃 he said。
       〃What do you want me to do now?〃
       〃Cut!〃 said Middleton。 〃We'll take it from the top; Walter。 Just a see。〃 He turned to the boy。 〃Don't ask that; Jim; okay? After I thank you; just turn around and head for the water。〃
       〃Okay;〃 said the boy。 He was shivering; and he rubbed his arms。
       〃Hey; Bob;〃 said the cameraman。 〃The kid ought to dry off。 He can't look wet if he isn't supposed to have been in the water yet。〃
       〃Yeah; you're right;〃 said Middleton。 〃Can you dry off; Jim?〃
       〃Sure。〃 The boy jogged up to his friends and dried himself with a towel。
       A voice beside Brody said; 〃What's goin' on?〃 It was the man from Queens。
       〃Television;〃 said Brody。 〃They want to film somebody swimming。〃
       〃Oh yeah? I should of brought my suit。〃
       The interview was repeated; and after Middleton had thanked the boy; the boy ran into the water and began to swim。 Middleton walked back to the cameraman and said; 〃Keep it going; Walter。 Irv; you can kill the sound。 We'll probably use this for B…roll。〃
       〃How much do you want of this?〃 said the cameraman; tracking the boy as he swam。
       〃A hundred feet or so;〃 said Middleton。 〃But let's stay here till he es out。
       Be ready; just in case。〃
       Brody had bee so accustomed to the far…off; barely audible hum of the Flicka's engine that his mind no longer re
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