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ater hurt his eyes; and he turned away。 〃I don't see how you do it; Quint;〃 he said。 〃Don't you ever wear sunglasses?〃
       Quint looked down and said; 〃Never。〃 His tone was pletely neutral; neither friendly nor unfriendly。 It did not invite conversation。
       But Brody was bored; and he wanted to talk。 〃How e?〃
       〃No need to。 I see things the way they are。 That's better。〃
       Brody looked at his watch。 It was a little after two: three or four more hours before they would give up for the day and go home。 〃Do you have a lot of days like this?〃
       The excitement and anticipation of the early morning had long passed; and Brody was sure they would not sight the fish that day。
       〃Like what?〃
       〃Like this。 When you sit all day long and nothing happens。〃
       〃And people pay you even though they never catch a thing。〃
       〃Those are the rules。〃
       〃Even if they never get a bite?〃
       Quint nodded。 〃That doesn't happen too often。 There's generally something that'll take a bait。 Or something we can stick。〃
       〃Stick?〃 〃With an iron。〃 Quint pointed to the harpoons on the bow。
       Hooper said; 〃What kinds of things do you stick; Quint?〃
       〃Anything that swims by。〃
       〃Really? I don't …〃
       Quint cut him off。 〃Something's taking one of the baits。〃
       Shading his eyes with his hand; Brody looked off the stern; but as far as he could see; the slick was undisturbed; the water flat and calm。 〃Where?〃 he said。
       〃Wait a second;〃 said Quint。 〃You'll see。〃
       With a soft metallic hiss; the wire on the starboard fishing rod began to feed overboard; knifing into the water in a straight silver line。
       〃Take the rod;〃 Quint said to Brody。 〃And when I tell you; throw the brake and hit him。〃
       〃Is it the shark?〃 said Brody。 The possibility that at last he was going to confront the fish … the beast; the monster; the nightmare … made Brody's heart pound。 His mouth was sticky…dry。 He wiped his hands on his trousers; took the rod out of the holder; and stuck it in the swivel between his legs。
       Quint laughed … a short; sour yip。 〃That thing? No。 That's just a little fella。
       Give you some practice for when your fish finds us。〃 Quint watched the line for a few more seconds; then said; 〃Hit it!〃
       Brody pushed the small lever on the reel forward; leaned down; then pulled back。
       The tip of the rod bent into an arc。 With his right hand; Brody began to turn the crank to reel in the fish; but the reel did not respond。 The line kept speeding out。
       〃Don't waste your energy;〃 said Quint。
       Hooper; who had been sitting on the transom; stood up and said; 〃Here; I'll tighten down the drag。〃
       〃You will not!〃 said Quint。 〃You leave that rod alone。〃
       Hooper looked up; bewildered and slightly hurt。
       Brody noticed Hooper's pained expression; and he thought: What do you know? It's about time。
       After a moment; Quint said; 〃You tighten the drag down too far and you'll tear the hook out of his mouth。〃
       〃Oh;〃 said Hooper。
       〃I thought you was supposed to know something about fishing。〃
       Hooper said nothing。 He turned and sat down on the transom。
       Brody held on to the rod with both hands。 The fish had gone deep and was moving slowly from side to side; but it was no longer taking line。 Brody reeled … leaning forward and cranking quickly as he picked up slack; hauling backward with the muscles in his shoulders and back。 His left wrist ached; and the fingers in his right hand began to cramp from cranking。 〃What the hell have I got here?〃 he said。
       〃A blue;〃 said Quint。
       〃He must weigh half a ton。〃
       Quint laughed。 〃Maybe a hundred fifty pounds。〃
       Brody hauled and leaned; hauled and leaned; until finally he heard Quint say; 〃You're getting there。 Hold it。〃 He stopped reeling。
       With a smooth; unhurried motion; Quint swung down the ladder from the flying bridge。 He had a rifle in his hand; an old army M…1。 He stood at the gunwale and looked down。 〃You want to see the fish?〃 he said。 〃e look。〃
       Brody stood; and reeling to take up the slack as he walked; he moved to the side of the boat。 In the dark water the shark was acrylic blue。 It was about eight feet long; slender; with long pectoral fins。 It swam slowly from side to side; no longer struggling。
       〃He's beautiful; isn't he?〃 said Hooper。
       Quint flicked the rifle's safety to 〃off;〃 and when the shark moved its head to within a few inches of the surface; he squeezed off three quick shots。 The bullets made clean round holes in the shark's head; drawing no blood。 The shark shuddered and stopped moving。
       〃He's dead;〃 said Brody。
       〃Shit;〃 said Quint。 〃He's stunned; maybe; but that's all。〃 Quint took a glove from one of his hip pockets; slipped his right hand into it; and grabbed the wire line。 From a sheath at his belt he took a knife。 He lifted the shark's head clear of the water and bent over the gunwale; The shark's mouth was open two or three inches wide。 Its right eye; partly covered by a white membrane; gazed blankly at Quint。 Quint jammed the knife into the shark's mouth and tried to pry it open farther; but the shark bit down; holding the blade in its small triangular teeth。 Quint pulled and twisted until the knife came free。
       He put it back in its sheath and took a pair of wire cutters from his pocket。
       〃I guess you're paying me enough so I can afford to lose a hook and a little leader;〃 he said。 He touched the wire cutters to the leader and was about to snip it。
       〃Wait a minute;〃 he said; putting the cutters back in his pocket and taking out his knife。 〃Watch this。 This always gives the folks a boot。〃 Holding the leader in his left hand; he hoisted most of the shark out of the water。 With a single swift motion he slit the shark's belly from the anal fin to just below the jaw。 The flesh pulled apart; and bloody entrails … white and red and blue … tumbled into the water like laundry falling from a basket。 Then Quint cut the leader with the wire snips; and the shark slid overboard。 As soon as its head was beneath the water; the shark began to thrash in the cloud of blood and innards; biting any morsel that passed into its maw。 The body twitched as the shark swallowed; and pieces of intestines passed out the hole in the belly; to be eaten again。
       〃Now watch;〃 said Quint。 〃If we're lucky; in a minute other blues'll e around; and they'll help him eat himself。 If we get enough of them; there'll be a real feeding frenzy。 That's quite a show。 The folks like that。〃
       Brody watched; spellbound; as the shark continued to nibble at the floating guts。
       In a moment he saw a flash of blue rise from below。 A small shark … no more than four feet long … snapped at the body of the disemboweled fish。 Its jaws dosed on a bit of flapping flesh。 Its head shook violently from side to side; and its body trembled; snakelike。 A piece of flesh tore away; and the smaller shark swallowed it。 Soon another shark appeared; and another; and the water began to roil。 Flecks of blood mingled with the drops of water that splashed on the surface。
       Quint took a gaff from beneath the gunwale。 He leaned overboard; holding the gaff poised like an ax。 Suddenly he lunged and jerked backward。 Impaled on the gaff hook; squirming and snapping; was a small shark。 Quint took the knife from its sheath; slashed the shark's belly; and released it。 〃Now you'll see some… thing;〃 he said。
       Brody couldn't tell how many sharks there were in the explosion of water。 Fins crisscrossed on the surface; tails whipped the water。 Amid the sounds of splashes came an occasional grunt as fish slammed into fish。 Brody looked down at his shirt and saw that it was spattered with water and blood。
       The frenzy continued for several minutes; until only three large sharks remained; cruising back and forth beneath the surface。
       The men watched in silence until the last of the three had vanished。
       〃Jesus;〃 said Hooper。
       〃You don't approve;〃 said Quint。
       〃That's right。 I don't like to see things die for people's amusement。〃 Quint snickered; and Hooper sa
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