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〃Jesus;〃 said Hooper。
〃You don't approve;〃 said Quint。
〃That's right。 I don't like to see things die for people's amusement。〃 Quint snickered; and Hooper said; 〃Do you?〃
〃It ain't a question of liking it or not。 It's what feeds me。〃
Quint reached into an ice chest and took out another hook and leader。 The hook had been baited before they left the dock … a squid skewered and tied to the shaft and barb of the hook。 Using pliers; Quint attached the leader to the end of the wire line。 He dropped the bait overboard; fed out thirty yards of line; and let it drift into the slick。 Hooper resumed his routine of ladling chum into the water。 Brody said; 〃Anybody want a beer?〃 Both Quint and Hooper nodded; so he went below and took three cans from a cooler。 As he left the cabin; Brody noticed two old; cracked; and curling photographs thumbtacked to the bulkhead。 One showed Quint standing hip…deep in a pile of big; strange…looking fish。 The other was a picture of a dead shark lying on a beach。 There was nothing else in the photograph to pare the fish to; so Brody couldn't determine its size。
Brody left the cabin; gave the others their beers; and sat down in the fighting chair。 〃I saw your pictures down there;〃 he said to Quint。 〃What are all those fish you're standing in?〃
〃Tarpon;〃 said Quint。 〃That was a while back; when I did some fishing in Florida。
I never seen anything like it。 We must have got thirty; forty tarpon … big tarpon … in four nights' fishing。〃
〃And you kept them?〃 said Hooper。 〃You're supposed to throw them back。〃
〃Customers wanted 'em。 For pictures; I guess。 Anyway; they don't make bad chum; chopped up。〃
〃What you're saying is; they're more use dead than alive。〃
〃Sure。 Same with most fish。 And a lot of animals; too。 I never did try to eat a live steer。〃 Quint laughed。
〃What's the other picture?〃 said Brody。 〃Just a shark?〃
〃Well; not just a shark。 It was a big white … about fourteen; fifteen feet。
Weighed over three thousand pounds。〃
〃How did you catch it?〃
〃Ironed it。 But I tell you〃 … Quint chuckled … 〃for a while there it was a question of who was gonna catch who。〃
〃What do you mean?〃
〃Damn thing attacked the boat。 No provocation; no nothing。 We were sitting out here minding our own business; when whamo! It felt like we was hit by a freight train。
Knocked my mate right on his ass; and the customer started screaming bloody murder that we were sinking。 Then the bastard hit us again。 I put an iron in him and we chased him … Christ; we must have chased him halfway across the Atlantic。〃
〃How could you follow him?〃 Brody asked。 〃Why didn't he go deep?〃
〃Couldn't。 Not with that barrel following him。 They float; He dragged it down for a little while; but before too long the strain got to him and he came to the surface。 So we just kept following the barrel。 After a couple hours we got another two irons in him; and he finally came up; real quiet; and we throwed a rope round his tail and towed him to shore。 And all the time that customer's going bullshit; 'cause he's sure we're sinking and gonna get et up。
〃You know the funniest thing? When we got the fish back and we was all tied up safe and sound and not likely to sink; that dumb fuck of a customer es up to me and offers me five hundred bucks if I'll say he caught the fish on hook and line。 Iron holes all over it; and he wants me to swear he caught it on hook and line! Then he starts giving me some song and dance about how I ought to cut my fee in half because I didn't give him a chance to catch the fish on hook and line。 I told him that if I had let him try; I'd be out one hook; three hundred yards of wire line; probably one reel and one rod; and definitely one fish。 Then he says what about all the valuable publicity I'll be getting from a trip he's paying for。 I told him he could give me the money and keep the publicity and try to spread it on a cracker for himself and his wife。〃
〃I wondered about that hook…and…line business;〃 said Brody。
〃What do you mean?〃
〃What you were saying。 You wouldn't try to catch the fish we're after on a hook and line; would you?〃
〃Shit; no。 From what I hear; the fish that's been bothering you makes the one we got look like a pup。〃
〃Then how e the lines are out?〃
〃Two reasons。 First; a big white might just take a little squid bait like that。
It'd cut the line pretty quick; but at least we'd know he was around。 It's a useful telltale。 The other reason is; you never know what a chum slick will bring around。 Even if your fish doesn't show up; we might run into something else that'll take the bait。〃
〃Like what?〃
〃Who knows? Maybe something useful。 I've had swordfish take a drifting squid; and with all the federal bullshit about mercury no one's catching them mercially any more; so you can get two fifty a pound for broadbill in Montauk。 Or maybe just something that'll give you a boot in the ass to catch; like a mako。 If you're paying four hundred bucks; you might as well have some fun for your money。〃
〃Suppose the big white did e around;〃 said Brody。 〃What would be the first thing you'd do?〃
〃Try to keep him interested enough so he'd stick around till we could get at him。
It's no big trick; they're pretty stupid fish。 It depends on how he finds us。 If he pulls the same crap the other one did and attacks the boat; we'll just start pumping irons into him as fast as we can; then pull away from him and let him wear himself down。 If he takes one of the lines; there'll be no way to stop him if he wants to run。 But I'll try to turn him toward us … tighten the drag way down and take the risk of tearing loose。 He'll probably bend the hook out pretty quick; but we might get him close enough for an iron。 And once I've got one iron in him; it's only a matter of time。
〃Most likely; the way he'll e will be following his nose … right up the slick; either on the surface or just below。 And that's where we'll have a little trouble。 The squid isn't enough to keep him interested。 Fish that size'll suck a squid right down and not even know he's et it。 So we'll have to give him something special that he can't turn down; something with a big ol' hook in it that'll hold him at least until we can stick him once or twice。〃
〃If the hook's too obvious;〃 said Brody; 〃won't he avoid the bait altogether?〃
〃No。 These things don't have the brains of a dog。 They eat anything。 If they're feeding; you could throw a bare hook down at 'em and they'll take it if they see it。 A friend of mine had one e up once and try to eat the outboard motor off his dinghy。 He only spat it out 'cause he couldn't get it down in one swallow。〃
From the stern; where he was ladling chum; Hooper said; 〃What's something special; Quint?〃
〃You mean that special treat he can't turn down?〃 Quint smiled and pointed to a green plastic garbage can nestled in a er amidships。 〃Take a look for yourself。 It's in that can。 I've been saving it for a fish like the one we're after。 On anything else it'd be a waste。〃
Hooper walked over to the can; flipped the metal clasps off the sides; and lifted the top。 His shock at what he saw made him gasp。 Floating vertically in the can full of water; its lifeless head swaying gently with the motion of the boat; was a tiny bottlenosed dolphin; no more than two feet long。 Sticking out from a puncture on the underside of the jaw was the eye of a huge shark hook; and from a hole in the belly the barbed hook itself curled forward。 Hooper clutched the sides of the can and said; 〃A baby。〃
〃Even better;〃 Quint said with a grin。 〃Unborn。〃
Hooper gazed into the can for a few more seconds; then slammed the top back on and said; 〃Where did you get it?〃
〃Oh; I guess about six miles from here; due east。 Why?〃 〃I mean how did you get it?〃
〃How do you think? From the mother。〃
〃You killed her。〃
〃No。〃 Quint laughed。 〃She jumped into the boat and swallowed a bunch of sleeping pills。〃 He paused; waiting for a laugh; and when none came he said; 〃You