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 Hornblower gave up the wheel and went below to the chart; but what he saw there only confirmed the pessimistic decision he had already reached by mental calculation。 As close to the wind as they could lie on this tack they could not weather Ushant。 Shorthanded as he was he did not dare continue in the hope that the wind might back; all his reading and all his instruction had warned him of the terrors of a lee shore。 There was nothing for it but to go about; he returned to the deck with a heavy heart。
 'All hands wear ship;' he said; trying to bellow the order in the manner of Mr Bolton; the third lieutenant of the Indefatigable。
 They brought the brig safely round; and she took up her new course; close hauled on the starboard tack。 Now she was heading away from the dangerous shores of France; without a doubt; but she was heading nearly as directly away from the friendly shores of England…gone was all hope of an easy two days' run to England; gone was any hope of sleep that night for Hornblower。
 During the year before he joined the Navy Hornblower had attended classes given by a penniless French émigré in French; music; and dancing。 Early enough the wretched émigré had found that Hornblower had no ear for music whatever; which made it almost impossible to teach him to dance; and so he had endeavoured to earn his fee by concentrating on French。 A good deal of what he had taught Hornblower had found a permanent resting place in Hornblower's tenacious memory。 He had never thought it would be of much use to him; but he discovered the contrary when the French captain at dawn insisted on an interview with him。 The Frenchman had a little English; but it was a pleasant surprise to Hornblower to find that they actually could get along better in French; as soon as he could fight down his shyness sufficiently to produce the halting words。
 The captain drank thirstily from the scuttlebut; his cheeks were of course unshaven and he wore a bleary look after twelve hours in a crowded forecastle; where he had been battened down three parts drunk。
 'My men are hungry;' said the captain; he did not look hungry himself。
 'Mine also;' said Hornblower。 'I also。'
 It was natural when one spoke French to gesticulate; to indicate his men with a wave of the hand and himself with a tap on the chest。
 'I have a cook;' said the captain。
 It took some time to arrange the terms of a truce。 The Frenchmen were to be allowed on deck; the cook was to provide food for everyone on board; and while these amenities were permitted; until noon; the French would make no attempt to take the ship。
 'Good;' said the captain at length; and when Hornblower had given the necessary orders permitting the release of the crew he shouted for the cook and entered into an urgent discussion regarding dinner。 Soon smoke was issuing satisfactorily from the galley chimney。
 Then the captain looked up at the grey sky; at the close reefed topsails; and glanced into the binnacle at the pass。
 'A foul wind for England;' he remarked。
 'Yes;' said Hornblower shortly。 He did not want this Frenchman to guess at his trepidation and bitterness。
 The captain seemed to be feeling the motion of the brig under his feet with attention。
 'She rides a little heavily; does she not?' he said。
 'Perhaps;' said Hornblower。 He was not familiar with the Marie Galante; nor with ships at all; and he had no opinion on the subject; but he was not going to reveal his ignorance。
 'Does she leak?' asked the captain。
 'There is no water in her;' said Hornblower。
 'Ah!' said the captain。 'But you would find none in the well。 We are carrying a cargo of rice; you must remember。'
 'Yes;' said Hornblower。
 He found it very hard at that moment to remain outwardly unperturbed; as his mind grasped the implications of what was being said to him。 Rice would absorb every drop of water taken in by the ship; so that no leak would be apparent on rounding the well…and yet every drop of water taken in would deprive her of that much buoyancy; all the same。
 'One shot from your cursed frigate struck us in the hull;' said the captain。 'Of course you have investigated the damage?'
 'Of course;' said Hornblower; lying bravely。
 But as soon as he could he had a private conversation with Matthews on the point; and Matthews instantly looked grave。
 'Where did the shot hit her; sir?' he asked。
 'Somewhere on the port side; forrard; I should judge。'
 He and Matthews craned their necks over the ship's side。
 'Can't see nothin'; sir;' said Matthews。 'Lower me over the side in a bowline and I'll see what I can find; sir。'
 Hornblower was about to agree and then changed his mind。
 'I'll go over the side myself;' he said。
 He could not analyse the motives which impelled him to say that。 Partly he wanted to see things with his own eyes; partly he was influenced by the doctrine that he should never give an order he was not prepared to carry out himself…but mostly it must have been the desire to impose a penance on himself for his negligence。
 Matthews and Carson put a bowline round him and lowered him over。 He found himself dangling against the ship's side; with the sea bubbling just below him; as the ship pitched the sea came up to meet him; and he was wet to the waist in the first five seconds; and as the ship rolled he was alternately swung away from the side and bumped against it。 The men with the line walked steadily aft; giving him the chance to examine the whole side of the brig above water; and there was not a shot hole to be seen。 He said as much to Matthews when they hauled him on deck。
 'Then it's below the waterline; sir;' said Matthews; saying just what was in Hornblower's mind。 'You're sure the shot hit her; sir?'
 'Yes; I'm sure;' snapped Hornblower。
 Lack of sleep and worry and a sense of guilt were all shortening his temper; and he had to speak sharply or break down in tears。 But he had already decided on the next move…he had made up his mind about that while they were hauling him up。
 'We'll heave her to on the other tack and try again;' he said。
 On the other tack the ship would incline over to the other side; and the shot…hole; if there was one; would not be so deeply submerged。 Hornblower stood with the water dripping from his clothes as they wore the brig round; the wind was keen and cold; but he was shivering with expectancy rather than cold。 The heeling of the brig laid him much more definitely against the side; and they lowered him until his legs were scraping over the marine growths which she carried there between wind and water。 They then walked aft with him; dragging him along the side of the ship; and just abaft the foremast he found what he was seeking。
 'Avast; there!' he yelled up to the deck; mastering the sick despair that he felt。 The motion of the bowline along the ship ceased。 'Lower away! Another two feet!'
 Now he was waist…deep in the water; and when the brig swayed the water closed briefly over his head; like a momentary death。 Here it was; two feet below the waterline even with the brig hove to on this tack…a splintered; jagged hole; square rather than round; and a foot across。 As the sea boiled round him Hornblower even fancied he could hear it bubbling into the ship; but that might be pure fancy。
 He hailed the deck for them to haul him up again; and they stood eagerly listening for what he had to say。
 'Two feet below the waterline; sir?' said Matthews。 'She was close hauled and heeling right over; of course; when we hit her。 But her bows must have lifted just as we fired。 And of course she's lower in the water now。'
 That was the point。 Whatever they did now; however much they heeled her; that hole would be under water。 And on the other tack it would be far under water; with much additional pressure; yet on the present tack they were headed for France。 And the more water they took in; the lower the brig would settle; and the greater would be the pressure forcing water in through the hole。 Something must be done to plug the leak; and Hornblower's reading of the manuals of seamanship told him what it was。
 'We must fother a sail and get it over that hole;' he announced。 'Call those Frenchmen over。'
 To fother a sail was 
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