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 Hornblower dived below with his message。
 'My pliments to Mr Eccles;' said Pellew; looking up from his desk; 'and I'll be on deck immediately。'
 There was just enough of a southerly breeze to enable the Indefatigable to weather the point in safety。 With her anchor catted she braced round her yards and began to steal seaward; in the disciplined stillness which prevailed the sound of the ripple of water under her cutwater was clearly to be heard…a musical note which told nothing; in its innocence; of the savagery and danger of the world of the sea into which she was entering。 Creeping along under her topsails the Indefatigable made no more than three knots; and the galleys came surging past her again; oars beating their fastest rhythm; as if the galleys were boasting of their independence of the elements。 Their gilt flashed in the sun as they overtook to windward; and once again their foul stench offended the nostrils of the men of the Indefatigable。
 'I'd be obliged if they'd keep to leeward of us;' muttered Pellew; watching them through his glass。 'But I suppose that's not Spanish courtesy。 Mr Cutler!'
 'Sir!' said the gunner。
 'You may mence the salute。'
 'Aye aye; sir。'
 The forward carronade on the lee side roared out the first of its pliments; and the fort of Puntales began its reply。 The sound of the salute rolled round the beautiful bay; nation was speaking to nation in all courtesy。
 'The next time we hear those guns they'll be shotted; I fancy;' said Pellew; gazing across at Puntales and the flag of Spain flying above it。
 Indeed; the tide of war was turning against England。 Nation after nation had retired from the contest against France; some worsted by arms; and some by the diplomacy of the vigorous young republic。 To any thinking mind it was obvious that once the step from war to neutrality had been taken; the next step would be easy; from neutrality to war on the other side。 Hornblower could foresee; close at hand; a time when all Europe would be arrayed in hostility to England; when she would be battling for her life against the rejuvenescent power of France and the malignity of the whole world。
 'Set sail please; Mr Eccles;' said Pellew。
 Two hundred trained pairs of legs raced aloft; two hundred trained pairs of arms let loose the canvas; and the Indefatigable doubled her speed; heeling slightly to the gentle breeze。 Now she was meeting the long Atlantic swell。 So were the galleys; as the Indefatigable overtook them; Hornblower could see the leader put her nose into a long roller so that a cloud of spray broke over her forecastle。 That was asking too much of such frail craft。 Back went one bank of oars; forward went the other。 The galleys rolled hideously for a moment in the trough of the sea before they pleted their turn and headed back for the safe waters of Cadiz Bay。 Someone forward in the Indefatigable began to boo; and the cry was instantly taken up through the ship。 A storm of boos and whistles and catcalls pursued the galleys; the men momentarily quite out of hand while Pellew spluttered with rage on the quarterdeck and the petty officers strove in vain to take the names of the offenders。 It was an ominous farewell to Spain。
 Ominous indeed。 It was not long before Captain Pellew gave the news to the ship that Spain had pleted her change…over; with the treasure convoy safely in she had declared war against England; the revolutionary republic had won the alliance of the most decayed monarchy in Europe。 British resources were now stretched to the utmost; there was another thousand miles of coast to watch; another fleet to blockade; another horde of privateers to guard against; and far fewer harbours in which to take refuge and from which to draw the fresh water and the meagre stores which enabled the hard…worked crews to remain at sea。 It was then that friendship had to be cultivated with the half savage Barbary States; and the insolence of the Deys and the Sultans had to be tolerated so that North Africa could provide the skinny bullocks and the barley grain to feed the British garrisons in the Mediterranean…all of them beleagured on land…and the ships which kept open the way to them。 Oran; Tetuan; Algiers wallowed in unwontedly honest prosperity with the influx of British gold。
 It was a day of glassy calm in the Straits of Gibraltar。 The sea was like a silver shield; the sky like a bowl of sapphire; with the mountains of Africa on the one hand; the mountains or Spain on the other as dark serrations on the horizon。 It was not a fortable situation for the Indefatigable; but that was not because of the blazing sun which softened the pitch in the deck seams。 There is almost always a slight current setting inwards into the Mediterranean from the Atlantic; and the prevailing winds blow in the same direction。 In a calm like this it was not unusual for a ship to be carried far through the Straits; past the Rock of Gibraltar; and then to have to beat for days and even weeks to make Gibraltar Bay。 So that Pellew was not unnaturally anxious about his convoy of grain ships from Oran。 Gibraltar had to be revictualled…Spain had already marched an army up for the siege…and he dared not risk being carried past his destination。 His orders to his reluctant convoy had been enforced by flag and gun signals; for no short…handed merchant ship relished the prospect of the labour Pellew wished to be executed。 The Indefatigable no less than her convoy had lowered boats; and the helpless ships were now all in tow。 That was backbreaking; exhausting labour; the men at the oars tugging and straining; dragging the oar blades through the water; while the towlines tightened and bucked with superhuman perversity and the ships sheered freakishly from side to side。 It was less than a mile an hour; that the ships made in this fashion; at the cost of the plete exhaustion of the boats' crews; but at least it postponed the time when the Gibraltar current would carry them to leeward; and similarly gave more chance for the longed…for southerly wind…two hours of a southerly wind was all they wished for…to waft them up to the Mole。
 Down in the Indefatigable's longboat and cutter the men tugging at their oars were so stupefied with their toil that they did not hear the motion in the ship。 They were just tugging and straining; under the pitiless sky; living through their two hours' spell of misery; but they were roused by the voice of the captain himself; hailing them from the forecastle。
 'Mr Bolton! Mr Chadd! Cast off there; if you please。 You'd better e and arm your men at once。 Here e our friends from Cadiz。'
 Back on the quarterdeck; Pellew looked through his glass at the hazy horizon; he could make out from here by now what had first been reported from the masthead。
 'They're heading straight for us;' he said。
 The two galleys were on their way from Cadiz; presumably a fast horseman from the lookout point at Tarifa had brought them the news of this golden opportunity; of the flat calm and the scattered and helpless convoy。 This was the moment for galleys to justify their continued existence。 They could capture and at least burn; although they could not hope to carry off; the unfortunate merchant ships; while the Indefatigable lay helpless hardly out of cannon's range。 Pellew looked round at the two merchant ships and the three brigs; one of them was within half a mile of him and might be covered by his gunfire; but the others…a mile and a half; two miles away…had no such protection。
 'Pistols and cutlasses; my lads!' he said to the men pouring up from overside。 'Clap onto that stay tackle now。 Smartly with that carronade; Mr Cutler!'
 The Indefatigable had been in too many expeditions where minutes counted to waste any time over these preparations。 The boats' crews seized their arms; the six…pounder carronades were lowered into the bows of the cutter and longboat; and soon the boats; crowded with armed men; and provisioned against sudden emergency; were pulling away to meet the galleys。
 'What the devil d'you think you're doing; Mr Hornblower?'
 Pellew had just caught sight of Hornblower in the act of swinging out of the jolly boat which was his special charge。 He wondered what his midshipman thought he 
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