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 'Mr Hornblower;' said the latter; 'I must present you…Your Grace; this is Mr Hornblower; the new captain of Le Rêve。 Her Grace the Duchess of Wharfedale。'
 A duchess; no less! Hornblower poked forward his padded leg; pointed his toe; laid his hand on his heart and bowed with all the depth the tightness of his breeches allowed…he had still been growing when he bought them on joining the Indefatigable。 Bold blue eyes; and a once beautiful middle…aged face。
 'So this 'ere's the feller in question?' said the duchess。 'Matilda; my dear; are you going to hentrust me to a hinfant in harms?'
 The startling vulgarity of the accent took Hornblower's breath away。 He had been ready for almost anything except that a superbly dressed duchess should speak in the accent of Seven Dials。 He raised his eyes to stare; while forgetting to straighten himself up; standing with his chin poked forward and his hand still on his heart。
 'You look like a gander on a green;' said the duchess。 'I hexpects you to 'iss hany moment。'
 She stuck her own chin out and swung from side to side with her hands on her knees in a perfect imitation of a belligerent goose; apparently with so close a resemblance to Hornblower as well as to excite a roar of laughter from the other guests。 Hornblower stood in blushing confusion。
 'Don't be 'ard on the young feller。' said the duchess; ing to his defence and patting him on the shoulder。 〃E's only young; en' thet's nothink to be ashamed of。 Somethink to be prard of; for thet matter; to be trusted with a ship at thet hage。'
 It was lucky that the announcement of dinner came to save Hornblower from the further confusion into which this kindly remark had thrown him。 Hornblower naturally found himself with the riff…raff; the ragtag and bobtail of the middle of the table along with the other junior officers…Sir Hew sat at one end with the duchess; while Lady Dalrymple sat with a modore at the other。 Moreover; there were not nearly as many women as men; that was only to be expected; as Gibraltar was; technically at least; a beleaguered fortress。 So Hornblower had no woman on either side of him; at his right sat the young aide…de…camp who had first taken him in charge。
 'Your health; Your Grace;' said the modore; looking down the length of the table and raising his glass。
 'Thank'ee;' replied the duchess。 'Just in time to save my life。 I was wonderin' 'oo'd e to my rescue。'
 She raised her brimming glass to her lips and when she put it down again it was empty。
 'A jolly boon panion you are going to have;' said the aide…de…camp to Hornblower。
 'How is she going to be my panion?' asked Hornblower; quite bewildered。
 The aide…de…camp looked at him pityingly。
 'So you have not been informed?' he asked。 'As always the man most concerned is the last to know。 When you sail with your despatches to…morrow you will have the honour of bearing Her Grace with you to England。'
 'God bless my soul;' said Hornblower。
 'Let's hope He does;' said the aide…de…camp piously; nosing his wine。 'Poor stuff this sweet Malaga is。 Old Hare bought a job lot in '95; and every governor since then seems to think it's his duty to use it up。'
 'But who is she?' asked Hornblower
 'Her Grace the Duchess of Wharfedale;' replied the aide…de…camp。 'Did you not hear Lady Dalrymple's introduction?'
 'But she doesn't talk like a duchess;' protested Hornblower。
 'No。 The old duke was in his dotage when he married her。 She was an innkeeper's widow; so her friends say。 You can imagine; if you like; what her enemies say。'
 'But what is she doing here?' went on Hornblower。
 'She is on her way back to England。 She was at Florence when the French marched in; I understand。 She reached Leghorn; and bribed a coaster to bring her here。 She asked Sir Hew to find her a passage; and Sir Hew asked the Admiral…Sir Hew would ask anyone for anything on behalf of a duchess; even one said by her friends to be an innkeeper's widow。
 'I see;' said Hornblower。
 There was a burst of merriment from the head of the table; and the duchess was prodding the governor's scarlet…coated ribs with the handle of her knife; as if to make sure he saw the joke。
 'Maybe you will not lack for mirth on your homeward voyage;' said the aide…de…camp。
 Just then a smoking sirloin of beef was put down in front of Hornblower; and all his other worries vanished before the necessity of carving it and remembering his manners。 He took the carving knife and fork gingerly in his hands and glanced round at the pany。
 'May I help you to some of this beef; Your Grace? Madam? Sir? Well done or underdone; sir? A little of the brown fat?'
 In the hot room the sweat ran down his face as he wrestled with the joint; he was fortunate that most of the guests desired helpings from the other removes so that he had little carving to do。 He put a couple of haggled slices on his own plate as the simplest way of concealing the worst results of his own handiwork。
 'Beef from Tetuan;' sniffed the aide…de…camp。 'Tough and stringy。'
 That was all very well for a governor's aide…de…camp…he could not guess how delicious was this food to a young naval officer fresh from beating about at sea in an over…crowded frigate。 Even the thought of having to act as host to a duchess could not entirely spoil Hornblower's appetite。 And the final dishes; the meringues and macaroons; the custards and the fruits; were ecstasy for a young man whose last pudding had been currant duff last Sunday。
 'Those sweet things spoil a man's palate;' said the aide…de…camp…much Hornblower cared。
 They were drinking formal toasts now。 Hornblower stood for the King and the royal family; and raised his glass for the duchess。
 'And now for the enemy;' said Sir Hew; 'may their treasure galleons try to cross the Atlantic。'
 'A supplement to that; Sir Hew;' said the modore at the other end; 'may the Dons make up their minds to leave Cadiz。'
 There was a growl almost like wild animals from round the table。 Most of the naval officers present were from Jervis' Mediterranean squadron which had beaten about in the Atlantic for the past several months hoping to catch the Spaniards should they e out。 Jervis had to detach his ships to Gibraltar two at a time to replenish their stores; and these officers were from the two ships of the line present at the moment in Gibraltar。
 'Johnny Jervis would say amen to that;' said Sir Hew。 'A bumper to the Dons then; gentlemen; and may they e out from Cadiz。'
 The ladies left them then; gathered together by Lady Dalrymple; and as soon as it was decently possible Hornblower made his excuses and slipped away; determined not to be heavy with wine the night before he sailed in independent mand。
 Maybe the prospect of the ing on board of the duchess was a useful counter…irritant; and saved Hornblower from worrying too much about his first mand。 He was up before dawn…before even the brief Mediterranean twilight had begun…to see that his precious ship was in condition to face the sea; and the enemies who swarmed upon the sea。 He had four popgun four…pounders to deal with those enemies; which meant that he was safe from no one; his was the weakest vessel at sea; for the smallest trading brig carried a more powerful armament。 So that like all weak creatures his only safety lay in flight…Hornblower looked aloft in the half…light; where the sails would be set on which so much might depend。 He went over the watch bill with his two watch…keeping officers; Midshipman Hunter and Master's Mate Winyatt; to make sure that every man of his crew of eleven knew his duty。 Then all that remained was to put on his smartest seagoing uniform; try to eat breakfast; and wait for the duchess。
 She came early; fortunately; Their Excellencies had had to rise at a most unpleasant hour to see her off。 Mr Hunter reported the approach of the governor's launch with suppressed excitement。
 'Thank you; Mr Hunter;' said Hornblower coldly…that was what the service demanded; even though not so many weeks before they had been playing follow…my…leader through the Indefatigable's rigging together。
 The launch swirled alongside; and two neatly dressed seamen hooked on the ladder。 Le Rêve had such a small freeboard that bo
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