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Therefore; she wasn't worried; and by remaining; she might learn some real inside facts that Lamont Cranston would like to know。
Facts for The Shadow!
〃Peridor was grand;〃 declared Nayre; in a tone of recollection。 〃He told Castenago that he sided with the Durez faction because they wanted reform in Centralba。 It amazed me; the way Castenago listened and the promise he offered。 He said he would institute every reform that Peridor wanted; if Jose Durez would leave the country and take his friends with him。
〃Of course; they hedged; until Castenago became generous。 He insisted on that one point: they would have to leave; as a token of good faith。 So they began talking terms regarding their concessions。
〃He granted everything they asked; provided that they get out。 So they did; and I had to e with them; because; by then; Castenago classed me as a member of their group。
〃Funny; isn't it?〃 Nayre shook his head。 〃All during the Clipper trip; Durez and his crowd were congratulating themselves on how they had outsmarted Castenago。 They were talking about using a chunk of that ten million dollars to smuggle arms into Centralba and start a real revolution。
〃They wanted me in on the deal; and I had to listen; though I didn't like it。 Then; when they arrived here; they were knocked off by a bunch of American crooks。〃
Nayre tamped his cigarette in an ash tray and rose from his perch on the desk。 Looking at Margo again; he saw sympathy in her gaze。
〃Frankly; Miss Lane;〃 he said; 〃I can't say that I'm sorry。 Durez and his friends got just what Castenago would have given them had it not been for Peridor; the only honest man in Centralba。 I can only state that I had no hand in it。〃
Margo nodded; indicating that she believed everything that Nayre had said。
He was still watching her; intently; when an interruption came。 The door opened and a stolid man with a weather…beaten face stepped into the dilapidated office; extending a hand to Nayre。
〃RATHER quick notice; Nayre;〃 he greeted。 〃I didn't think you'd be needing me so soon。〃
〃There's been trouble; Brady;〃 Nayre returned。 〃Durez and his crowd were wiped out by a lot of crooks; who took their money。 I couldn't afford to stay about and argue with the police。〃
〃They're after you?〃
〃I'm not sure。〃 Nayre turned。 〃By the way; Brady; I'd like you to meet my friend; Miss Lane。 She brought me out here。〃
Brady gave Margo an impersonal stare; and nodded。 He didn't seem to regard it as remarkable that Nayre had been chauffeured by a young lady fresh from a swimming pool; as Margo's ultra bathing costume indicated。
Indeed; Margo received the impression that Brady wouldn't have been surprised if Nayre had shown up on a dolphin piloted by a mermaid。
Evidently; the two were old friends; and Brady had been expecting Nayre's arrival in Miami。 For the present; that point was merely indicated by their mutual accord。 Brady; in his stolid way; was more interested in Nayre's statements concerning the police。
Stepping to a radio cabinet; Brady pressed the switch。 He struck a very appropriate broadcast; a news program; that was suddenly interrupted。
〃Flash!〃 came a voice。 〃Miami Beach police are seeking the perpetrators of the most stupendous crime in years。 Tonight; unknown criminals raided the Equator Hotel; murdered Colonel Jose Durez; with three other members of his faction; and took coffers containing ten million dollars which the dead men brought from Centralba。
〃Police believe that a tip…off enabled the criminals to acplish their work。 Though the murderers escaped by water; from Miami Beach; the authorities are still searching for a man named Colin Nayre; who disappeared with them。
Evidence indicates that Nayre could have informed the local criminals of every move that Durez intended…〃
It was Nayre who interrupted the broadcast; by snapping off the switch。
His face seemed frozen as he looked toward Brady; who said nothing。 It was Nayre who finally spoke。
〃They've figured it all out;〃 he declared glumly。 〃Just as I expected: I'm
the goat!〃
〃Lucky you told me to stick around;〃 returned Brady。 〃The old crate is ready; like you wanted。〃
〃To take me back to Centralba?〃
〃Too long a hop;〃 Brady shook his head emphatically。 〃How about the Isle of Pines?〃
〃It will do;〃 nodded Nayre。 〃I can get to Centralba easily from there。〃
〃No use; then; to wait any longer。〃 Brady gave a beckon that included Margo。 Nayre turned suddenly and saw the girl's intensity。 Margo was half risen from the chair; her hands on the arms。 She eased back; hoping to show indifference when Nayre looked her way。 Too late Brady caught the look that flashed between them; and asked:
〃Isn't Miss Lane ing along?〃
〃She certainly is;〃 assured Nayre firmly。 〃She's heard too much for her to stay here。〃
〃But I can't go!〃 expressed Margo helplessly。 〃Not unless I can stop at my hotel; first; for more clothes。〃
〃The bathing is fine at the Isle of Pines;〃 snapped Nayre。 〃It's south of Cuba; you know。 You can finish your swim there。〃
〃All the way back to Miami?〃
Nayre laughed; indulgently。
〃Brady has friends on the Isle of Pines;〃 he declared。 〃They owe him money; like everybody does。 We'll stake you to a whole new wardrobe; and a Clipper trip back here。〃
〃Sure we will;〃 added Brady; 〃and there are a lot of wraps in the plane。
You can bundle up in those。 It will be a nice trip by moonlight。 The crate will hold out that far。〃
ARGUMENT wouldn't help; and Margo knew it。 Meekly; she acpanied Nayre and Brady out to the hangar; and stood by while they hurriedly put the plane in readiness。 It was a cabin ship; though of a very antiquated model。 Standing near the propeller; Margo watched Nayre spin it when Brady called 〃Contact。〃
Then; before Margo could make up her mind toward the next step; Nayre brought out his revolver and pointed her toward the cabin。
Only a gesture was needed; for Margo seemed quite resigned to the ing trip。 She would have stepped into the ship if she hadn't chanced to glance toward the highway; where she saw a pair of headlights turn suddenly into the sand road。
With a quick turn; Margo darted across the wide stretch that formed Brady's rough landing field。 She knew that she was a perfect target in the moonlight; but she felt sure that Nayre wouldn't aim for her。 She heard his revolver speak; and the mere report shuddered her; but she kept on running。
Another gun responded。 It stabbed from the newly arrived car; which Margo recognized as a taxicab。 Stumbling over a hump in the sand; Margo landed with a half somersault that ended with a roar。
The roar came from Brady's plane; as it took off。 More shots were spurting from the cab; but Nayre wasn't answering them。 Margo knew that he must have hopped into the plane with Brady。
Then strong hands were lifting her from the sand。 The lights of the plane were twinkling high; but the burning eyes that Margo saw were close。 They were the eyes of The Shadow; peering from beneath the brim of a slouch hat that matched the blackness of his cloak。
He was walking toward her car; and on the way; Margo was panting every detail of her adventure。
When they reached the roadster; Margo heard The Shadow's whispered laugh。
It denoted full understanding。
〃Drive back to the Equator;〃 he told her。 〃I shall return later; with the cab。 You will have time to finish your swim…〃
〃Before you arrive?〃
Again; The Shadow laughed; in response to Margo's eager question。 His next words corrected her。
〃You won't find me at the Equator;〃 spoke The Shadow。 〃But I think you will meet your friend; Lamont Cranston; if you look for him。 I believe that he has been looking for you most of the evening。〃
It was afternoon; and Margo Lane was gazing from the roof garden of the Hotel Tropico; in Miami。 She was looking across the wide green strip of Bayfront Park; to the greater breadth of blue that represented Biscayne Bay。
Among the assorted speedboats Margo saw one of somewhat larger build; yet with the trim