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hey both left。
  〃As I was saying; Marley;〃 Tagetarl went on; tapping the copy to get Marley's full attention。
  He tried to concentrate on the usual tasks of a day; making up a new order for different weights of paper from Master Bendarek…well; he could delay that for today。 He checked the two girls stitching bindings; made sure Delart was cutting the leather economically; that Wil was trimming only the paper edges neatly and not his fingertips with the extremely sharp edge of the wide blade。 Idly Tagetarl wondered if he could detach that broad knife and use it against the Abominators tonight; or whenever they attacked his Hall。
  On brief trips across the court; he did notice that Ola seemed to make a great many short dashes from roof to kitchen window; checking on Rosheen wherever she was。 He hadn't told Rosheen yet because she seemed happy today; and had possibly forgotten her uneasy presentiments。 She also had a plicated SmithCraftHall manual to proofread。 He didn't recognize Bista's pale gold hide among those ing and going on the roofs; but she was as sly as Pinch。 There seemed to be no more than the usual wild ones; sunning on the slates。 Or were they wild? Tagetarl couldn't tell and decided it didn't make any difference。 Fire…lizards were volatile creatures。
  He had no appetite for lunch and fretted over how Rosheen would scold him for not letting her know the danger the Hall was in。 He usually told her everything。 But why should she spend the day worrying; too? She had to keep her mind on the manual; that was one task he could not handle today! He did not see any of Pinch's helpers; nor did he see Pinch again in any guise。 He didn't know whether to transfer paper from storage to the Hall as he usually did at the end of a day。 But then would anyone be watching to see that he kept to his usual routine? He kept running a hand over the wood of doors and frames but couldn't really feel any difference; much less recognize a substance that could retard flame。
  He was anxious because no one came to his office with new work; but also relieved。 How did you tell an Abominator from any other ordinary man or woman? It was the set of their minds: their self…appointed mission to deny choice to others; to neutralize all the useful things that were already in operation。 Aivas had made available a great deal of knowledge; some of it information miscopied over the Turns that only needed careful research in the Archives and invaluable to all the Crafts to rectify。 Any thinking person would examine what was sensible to add to what Pern already had…like printing; but he required no one to read or buy his books: that was their decision。 For all the amazing diversity of processes and products that the Ancients had known and used; just learning how to faithfully execute some of the designs was enough to discourage making the unnecessary。 As Master Menolly said…and he knew Sebell basically agreed with her…not everything and anything new meant an improvement。 But people should make that decision themselves; not have it arbitrarily denied。
  The five…note whistle that Pinch said was a warning startled Tagetarl: it seemed to float across the court from nowhere。 He wrenched around to face the outer gate; trying to pose himself。 He; Master Tagetarl; who had never flubbed an entrance or forgot tune or words; felt himself unnaturally stiff with fear and apprehension。 What should he say? What could he say to someone who had decided to destroy his livelihood? People were passing by the Hall on the road outside。 Then in walked the man of Pinch's sketch: there was the missing joint of the left index finger and the zigzag scar on the forehead; all but hidden under the black knit cap。 The man stood for a moment looking across the court with narrowed eyes; his expression disdainful and his lips twisted scornfully…as if; Tagetarl thought; he was anticipating the changes that might shortly be made to the order and serenity of the Printer Hall。
  〃Good evening;〃 Tagetarl said as affably as his wariness permitted。 He reached for the book he had placed on one of the barrels。
  〃e for the book。 You said a sevenday;〃 the man said as if he had no faith in that promise。 He spoke tonelessly; as if ing for a book was only an excuse。
  He kept his lips over his teeth as if hiding them。 Pinch's drawing had not included that detail or the smell of the man: stale sweat; campfires; and beast dung。 Nor was he wearing hill…style clothing。 In fact; the black leather jacket and trousers looked barely used; his boots were definitely new; if road…stained。 The man sauntered deeper into the yard; Tagetarl following him; trying to give him the book and get him out of his Hall。
  〃That'll be three marks;〃 Tagetarl said; amazed at how even his voice sounded in his ears。 Was this Scar…face the leader? The man seemed determined to make a final close assessment。 Tagetarl intercepted his circuit; pushing the book at him and holding out an open hand。 〃Three marks。〃
  Digging in one pocket of his jacket he wore; Scar…face dropped two full marks and two half marks; all weaver stamped; into Tagetarl's hand。
  〃Weaver marks good enough for you; Master Harper?〃 he asked without the usual inflection of a question。
  〃MasterPrinter;〃 Tagetarl corrected automatically。 〃Weaver marks are well guaranteed!〃 Shards; did the man want to provoke a fight? Or spread word that the Print Hall disdained weaver marks?
  Scar…face took the Ballads from Tagetarl's hand much as one would cautiously grasp something dirty or repulsive。 Tagetarl; loving the books he published so that at times it was hard to sell them on; had to grip hard on the worn marks to prevent himself from grabbing the volume back。 The man shoved it roughly into a pocket of his jacket。
  〃MasterPrinter;〃 the man said with a queer grin。 〃You're kept busy?〃 He kept darting glances to the Hall and around the courtyard where the genuine apprentices were sweeping the cobbles and tidying up in the Hall。 Then his eyes settled briefly at the heavy leaves of the outer gate and his lips twitched across his teeth。
  〃Busy enough;〃 Tagetarl admitted; wondering how he could get the man to go。 He heard the rumbling of a cart on the road outside; and then saw one being pushed through the outer gate; dropping wisps of the straw that cushioned the wineskins inside。 Tagetarl knew very well that he hadn't ordered anything from his local supplier and was about to protest when he remembered what Pinch had said and turned casually about。
  In the moment he had looked away; Scar…face departed。
  〃Shipment for Master Harper?〃 the wineman announced; lifting his hand for attention。
  〃MasterPrinter;〃 Tagetarl corrected for the second time in a few minutes and wondered why no one could give him his proper rank today。
  〃Ahem; sorry; sir; MasterPrinter Tagetarl?〃
  〃I am he。〃 And Tagetarl hoped that Pinch was listening somewhere。
  〃Promised to deliver this myself;〃 the stout man said with a hearty air。
  〃Indeed; and who might have required extra service from a busy man like yourself?〃 Tagetarl asked; noting the second set of new black leather jacket; pants; and boots of the day。 The reek from this man was sour wine but no improvement。 He did wear the proper journeyman's Craft knot。 Tagetarl admonished himself that he hadn't noticed which knot; if any; Scar…face sported。
  〃You had no message to expect this delivery?〃 The man looked shocked and pulled up his paunch as if the waistband of the pants needed easing。 〃Runners are getting lazy。〃
  Tagetarl heard a muted oath and spotted the shabby drudge collecting the straw wisps。
  〃As you can see; it's a fine Benden red;〃 and the wineman turned the tag for Tagetarl to read。
  〃Yes; indeed; it is;〃 and Tagetarl was impressed。 〃A 'forty…two! Excellent vintage。 I shall enjoy that。 Whose health do I drink tonight since the donor's message is overdue?〃
  〃Why; the Lord Holder's; of course;〃 the man replied easily。
  Tagetarl beckoned for the drudge to put his broom down。 〃You there; take this into the kitchen and we'll all drink the health of the Lord Holder tonight。 I expect he must be pleased with my latest publications;〃 he added mendaciously。
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