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at both lunch and dinner。 He had not been able to display any enthusiasm for the hour he usually spent so panionably with his sons。
She had waited; without appearing to hover close by; in case he might wish to talk about what was depressing him。 She'd seen him terribly distracted like this only once before: when he had presided over the exile of those who had been responsible for abducting Master Robinton。
She waited until they had gone up to their own quarters and he was leaning against the deep window; looking out on nothing。 Just as she was sure she'd have to pry; he gave a deep sigh。
〃Ruth and I went to Wide Bay; to assist Tagetarl。 There was an attempt to damage the Print Hall。〃
〃More Abominators?〃 Who else could it have been; since the Print Hall had been so enthusiastically received by every Craft。
He nodded but did not elaborate。
In the silence that followed; Sharra watched her spouse; absentmindedly running his hand up and down the heavy brocade curtain that prevented the worst of the winter winds from penetrating into their sleeping room。 She waited quietly。 She knew when he was fretting over something。
〃Dorse was one of them。〃
Sharra felt something within her lurch at that soft; chilling admission。 Jaxom did not have many fond memories of his milk…brother but had kept giving him the benefit of the doubt; long after his foster mother had died。 Dorse had left before one more outrageous act would have pelled Jaxom to send him away。
〃I thought he had gone south。 Worked for Toric。〃 She gasped as soon as she finished speaking。
Jaxom nodded his head slowly。 〃He did not speak。〃
〃But surely; love;〃 and Sharra went to lay her hand on his shoulder; feeling the tension in his body; 〃he had only to…〃
〃They were asked to name hall or hold。〃 Jaxom's grip tightened on the curtain so that the fabric was stretched from its rail; the upper hem tearing。
〃Are you distressed because he didn't speak?〃
〃I'm not sure。〃 Sharra could hear the anguish in Jaxom's voice。 〃I'm not sure! I think;〃 and now Jaxom buried his face in the folds of the curtain; 〃he was the leader。 I think he was challenging me。 Defying me and what I stand for。 What did he expect me to do? See that they were only sent to the mines?〃
Before he tore the curtain from the wall; she closed her hand around his fingers and gently detached them。
〃I suggest that either way he is getting his own back on you; Jaxom;〃 she said in a quiet nonjudgmental tone。 〃By any chance; did anyone else recognize him? Ruth said you did not go alone。〃 He gave her a fierce look。 〃No; no; my love。 I never asked him。 He knows I worry that sometimes the pair of you might get into trouble and not tell me。〃 She tried to speak lightly; to ease his distress。 She didn't even get a rise out of him for what he usually termed unnecessary anxiety。
〃Pinch has been on his trail; he said。 It's possible N'ton recognized him; though he wouldn't have seen him in Turns。〃 He was silent a moment then added; 〃I should somehow have had a word with him。 To see if he would tell me more。〃
〃More about what? Isn't it enough that he was caught destroying what he can very well recognize as a tremendously important asset for all Pern?〃
Jaxom gave her a long closed look。 That made her flinch inwardly because they were usually so open with each other about everything in their lives。
〃I thought he had been well placed in the south with Toric;〃 he said finally。
〃Oh!〃 Sharra had to sit down quickly as she absorbed the implications of that。 Jaxom had been trying to shield her。
〃It's preferable to think that he was on his own; perhaps just taking an opportunity to be paid for making the kind of trouble he enjoys。 It wouldn't be unlike him;〃 and Jaxom spun from the window and began pacing the floor; looking everywhere but at his spouse。
〃My brother; Toric;〃 Sharra said in a voice as taut as Jaxom's had been; 〃was greedy as a child and would allow no mon sense to dissuade him from what he felt was his; or…〃 she paused a beat 〃…perceived was his by right。 He has since; as you should know; forfeited the loyalty of all his brothers and sisters。 Even his sons。 I thought when he was brought up short several Turns ago by the Lord Holders and Weyrleaders that he might realize that there are limitations to what one man may hold。〃
Jaxom could not endure her anguish and took her in his arms; his cheek against her cheek。
〃We do not know that this is another scheme of his; Sharra。〃
She clung to him; her fingers tight in his hair; pressing herself into the strength that always emanated from him。 〃Even if I; too; can see that Toric may be setting himself against the rest of Pern; just to prove he can?〃
forted now turned forter。 〃We shall know soon enough who has been giving orders for all this wasteful vandalism and unrest。〃
〃We will? Did Pinch say anything?〃 Sharra leaned back; to look deep into his eyes。 〃We seem to recover from one disaster and another threatens。〃
〃Sssh; sssh; love。〃 He rocked her in his arms; slowly; lovingly。
Sssh; sssh; Sharra。 We are here!
For just a fraction of a second; though she was accustomed enough to having Ruth speak to her; she thought his reassurance was oddly amplified。
From her seat in the window at Cove Hold; Lessa could watch those ing up the newly graveled path from the beach。 It still amazed her that Robinton's Hold had survived the havoc that had spared few other places。 After the Winter Storm; some of his possessions had had to be replaced with lovingly contrived duplicates and these had been removed in case the Kahrain Cape did not protect the Hold。 So once again; the Hall looked much as it had before his death。 She could still believe that he was only out on the porch; or fussing with his tunic in his room before ing to greet his guests。 The essence of Robinton; the MasterHarper of Pern; subtly pervaded the place as if he still lived here with his friends; Lytol; old Master Wansor; and D'ram。 What a quartet they had made!
Now she watched as dragons arrived in pairs; gliding down to waves that lapped quietly…again…up the beach。 It was like a Gather dance; she thought; trying to think of something pleasant to quiet the nagging frustration that she had been experiencing ever since the Fireball Flood。 From the north and High Reaches came the newest Weyrleaders; G'bear on Winlath and Neldama on Yasith…their mating had turned out felicitously; one of the few things that had gone right lately。 Slightly west of them; in from Telgar flew J'fery and Palla on Willerth and Talmanth。 A single dragon appeared from the west; with two passengers; Jaxom and Sharra on Ruth。 She wanted a word with Jaxom and N'ton about the Printer Hall incident。 A second Printer Hall must be established as soon as possible。 Printed documents were too important: human memories couldn't cope with all the details and the tedious act of handwriting was a process rife with opportunities for mistakes。
The visibly larger Fort dragons; Lioth and Ludeth; with N'ton and Margatta; followed Ruth immediately。 Igen's Gyarmath and Baylith with G'narish and Nadira entered facing north。 Lessa could hear dragons bugling over the building announcing the arrival of K'van and Adrea on Heth and Beljeth。 Then three from the east; T'gellan; Talina; and Mirrim。 Well; Mirrim was to be expected and; while Lessa knew the girl could be domineering and arrogant; she had great sympathy toward a fosterling she had trained。
The newly made Master Erragon had particularly invited F'lessan and a Monacan green rider; named Tai; who was one of Erragon's apprentices。 Her name was familiar to the Benden Weyrleaders for her part in thwarting the vandals at Landing and being indefatigable during the evacuation of Monaco。
As the Weyrleaders filed in; Master Wansor; their official host for the night; greeted them。 He stood on the threshold; a serene personality in a room that held memories for all of them。 He lifted a smiling face to each new arrival as if he saw them as clearly as ever。 Erragon stood behind Wansor; wearing the diamond pendant that was the sign o