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ll this。 Though I can't remember Aivas。。。〃
  〃Naturally Aivas only discussed the subject with dragonriders;〃 Jaxom said in a grave manner。
  〃Thank you; Weyrleaders;〃 Sebell said。 〃You have relieved our fears considerably and I think I can speak for all the Craftmasters that there will be generous Hall support to match that already guaranteed new observatories by Lord Holders。〃 He bowed to Jaxom and Larad。
  〃Tillek is the nearest port;〃 Ranrel said to Erragon across the table; 〃we will donate shipping。〃
  〃Services in place of tithes?〃 Toric cried; infuriated。
  〃Oh; do sit down; Toric;〃 Groghe said。
  〃There hasn't been a vote about approving more observatories;〃 Toric plained。
  〃I can take a vote now;〃 Sebell put in hopefully。
  〃The necessity for three new observatories hasn't been properly discussed;〃 Toric shouted。
  〃I want to know more about the Western Continent;〃 Master Ballora said in a loud voice。 〃We don't know what life…forms are there。 What effect contact with new ones would have with our indigenous species。〃
  〃Not much is mentioned about it in Aivas records;〃 Deckter remarked。 〃Will the project need much metal ore?〃
  〃Of course it will; Deckter;〃 Fandarel said; rubbing his big hands together in anticipation。
  〃Shall we deal with some of the minor petitions now?〃 Sebell asked; holding up a slim packet。
  〃No; no; not now;〃 Groghe said。 〃Need to eat now and be refreshed for that sort of thing。〃
  〃What about the Western Continent?〃 Master Ballora objected。 〃I want to know more about thatl〃
  〃We'll talk;〃 Erragon said while Sebell used the gavel to end the morning session。
  So many questions were asked about where exactly the observatories would be placed; the form they would take; the personnel to work in them; the training required; that petitions were put aside for the next day。 Toric called for a vote about any new observatories; much less three; none of which were evidently to be placed in Southern。 He voted against the whole idea but the majority was in favor of it。 Then he had to sit through talk about the Western Continent's urgently needed observatory and; while he fumed; everyone else seemed so enthusiastic about supplying engineering; construction; transport; labor; materials…without an increase in overall tithing; which he would have vigorously barred…the Star Masters and the sharding Weyrleaders got what they wanted。 It never occurred to him that he had only himself to blame。 He'd been prepared to argue about petitions and object to some…on principle…but none had been submitted for discussion。 If he didn't stay; the Council might slip something new in; vote it into law and he wouldn't be able to gauge any new plans。 He ought to make Besic acpany him。 He'd be good for something then。 Bargen had a son with him; so did Groghe。 Such representatives were permitted to stand in for their Lord Holders at the petitions session: Fandarel had put Master Jancis in as his agent。
  In the evening; Toric wandered outside; down into the Gather grounds。 Dorse was supposed to find him so he had to be available。 By morning; when Dorse didn't appear before the Council convened; Toric asked at the Telgar Runner Station for any messages for him。 There were none but he encountered Kashman and had to walk back to the Hold in the man's pany。 Kashman was still furious with the trial at the Print Hall。 He hadn't been in Keroon Hold that night but the matter could have waited until morning。 He plained bitterly about the presence of N'ton; a Fort Weyrleader; far away from Fort's traditional authority; not to mention Jaxom。 Who was not a subject to be mentioned in Toric's pany under the best of circumstances! Corman had kept this son of his inadequately informed for Lord Holdership; Toric thought。
  Late that evening; Toric wandered aimlessly among the Gather tents and then walked the perimeter; keeping to the shadows to give Dorse a chance to approach him discreetly。 There was the other matter: this dragon ability that Aivas had mentioned? As far as Toric knew; dragons could speak to their riders; go between; and chew a rock that produced the flame that destroyed Thread。 He must ask Master Esselin to trace any reference to what Aivas had said about the creatures。 Everything Aivas said or had done was recorded。 Esselin could find it and report。
  He was halfway around the tents a second time when Toric wondered who had been among those exiled so precipitously。 If no one had given hold; hall; or name; who were they? On the other hand; Jaxom had been one of the judges。 He would have known Dorse。 So might N'ton。 And MasterPrinter Tagetarl。 〃Lord Toric!〃
  His name was spoken softly and in a deep voice。 Dorse had mentioned that Fifth had a most unusual one。 A most eloquent speaker; Dorse had said; effective in rousing people。
  〃Yes?〃 Toric stepped into the shadows。 He had very much wanted to meet Fifth。 Dorse had told him about the man's unusual obsession relating to the fact that the MasterHarper had been found dead in the Aivas chamber at the same approximate time that the Abomination had terminated itself。 Was it possible that Master Robinton had indeed discovered some malign aspect of the Abomination and attempted to end its influence on Pern? Or had Aivas; suspecting that his evil designs to pollute and corrupt the planet had been divined by the human; killed the MasterHarper? It was well documented that Aivas had hidden defenses。
  The conundrum had fascinated Toric from the moment Dorse had confided it in him。 Now he could question the source。
  The moment Tai woke that morning; Sagassy appeared at her bedside。
  〃D'you need the necessary; Rider Tai?〃 she asked and whipped back the cover without waiting for an answer。
  〃Can't I walk by myself?〃 Tai asked。 She was determined to put weakness and dependency behind her as soon as possible。 Sagassy had been so practical that her help had not given Tai any embarrassment。
  〃I'll just put an arm about you in case。〃
  Tai did need help getting to her feet but she tried to do as much as she could without Sagassy's help。
  Her ankles and knees were still stiff; her calves felt more like blocks but they weren't painful; the left leg would even bear weight without great disfort。 So that brief excursion went well enough and; leaning against the heavy sink top; Tai managed to wash hands and face。 She ate all the breakfast that Sagassy brought and then asked; as she did every time someone came into the room; when she could see Zaranth; F'lessan; and Golanth。
  Having been asked that question frequently; Sagassy put her hands on her hips and gave her head a little shake。
  〃Well; I'm one as says it don't do you nor them any good not to。 Leave it with me。〃
  Tai wanted to burst out in frustration because everyone responded with 〃leave it with me。〃 So far it was left。 She was surprised to see T'lion; bronze Gadareth's rider; enter the room; Sagassy behind him; grinning with smug satisfaction。
  〃Sagassy says I'm strong enough; and long enough;〃 he said。 〃You look much better。〃
  〃How do you know?〃 And answered herself。 〃Oh; Gadareth was there that morning; wasn't he?〃
  〃Indeed he was and has been extremely smug and glowing ever since。 Now; put an arm around my neck。〃
  〃I can walk; I can walk!〃
  〃I doubt it and I came to carry you because seeing all the invalids…not that Zaranth really is anymore…would definitely be too far for you to walk today。〃 He had swooped her up in his arms before she could protest further and carried her out of the room。 She'd had so many people moving her places that such intimacy no longer bothered her。 〃In reverse order of preference; perhaps; because I know you want to reassure yourself that Zaranth is fine; but F'lessan's just in here; so it's on your way to her。〃
  There was a sudden alteration of the cheerfulness in his voice as he angled her into the largest of the sleeping quarters; not the one she and F'lessan had shared so often。 She blinked back tears as she saw F'lessan's white face turning restlessly on the pillow; his lips twitching; his brows creasing; ricking the lines that now scored his cheeks。 His body looked 
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