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o reassure herself that no stitches had broken; but he remained unrepentant。
  〃I'm soaked in numbweed;〃 he said。
  〃You both should know by now;〃 Keita said; reproachfully; her expression severe; 〃that the deadening effect of numbweed is deceptive。 It is so very easy to damage tissue or tendon because you can't feel what strain you're inadvertently exerting。 If the green dragon did indeed effect your unwise and unauthorized trip to the terrace; then that at least proves you're not totally bereft of mon sense; bronze rider。〃
  〃And Golly's eye suffered no further damage?〃 F'lessan asked with a touch of arrogance and; to Tai; a wish to be reassured that it was; indeed; all right。 〃Persellan has seen it?〃
  〃You're very lucky that the lids have healed as well as they have;〃 Keita said; giving them full measure of her censure。 〃They were in shreds after the attack。 Fortunately dragon membrane; unlike the more delicate eye facets; can regenerate。〃
  〃Yes;〃 F'lessan said in a dry tone; 〃that's been explained。 Golly knows he has limited vision but he does have some。〃
  Keita had to admit that。
  〃He said the lids get very dry。〃
  〃Part of the injury includes an inability to generate sufficient moisture to lubricate the lids。 I think we can help there; with a light gel; applied when needed。 We coated the eye with it before we sewed the lids shut against sun damage。〃
  〃Then perhaps I can take over that duty now;〃 F'lessan said; easing his body into a sitting position。 Keita watched him; one hand lifting to suggest great care。
  Then she said; 〃I'd very much like to see how green Zaranth does this telekinesis。〃
  I can't do it slowly; Tai。 Tai could almost hear her dragon gulp in anxiety。
  I do the slow part; Golanth said。 You apply the lift。
  There is a chair out here; Zaranth added。
  〃Master Keita; would you have the gel handy?〃 Tai asked to distract her。
  Keita turned to the chest where healer supplies were stored。
  Stay very still; Tai heard her green say。
  Out of the corner of her eye; Tai saw F'lessan disappear。
  Not…so…fast! Golanth said。 Her heart gave a thump of alarm; and she shot a glance down the hall in time to see F'lessan's body inserted in the chair; a look of surprise on his face。 Trundlebugs had never appeared to notice。
  We didn't even bump him; Zaranth said; highly pleased。
  A matter of practice。 You shove。
  I don't。 I move。
  I slow。
  We can try it the other way round; and to Tai her dragon's voice sounded wily。
  You can practice on other things; F'lessan said firmly to Zaranth and Golanth but Tai could hear the amusement in his voice。
  Hand reaching for a small jar; Keita swiveled; stared accusingly at Tai。 She gave a deep sigh of exasperation。 〃I suppose it's similar to going between!〃
  〃Not really。 It's sort of all at once; instead of by degrees。 Is that the gel? I'll just take it out to him。〃
  Tai left the room as fast as she could。
  〃Just so long as he es out of it alive on the other end;〃 Keita called after her。
  When she reached the terrace; F'lessan was still in the chair; leaning down to look at Golanth's hind leg。 One of the other healers was just staring at him。 Zaranth; on the upper ledge; was blinking and looking; Tai thought; rather paler green than she should be。
  Does it take a lot of effort?
  No; Golanth helps。 Last night I was afraid I might hurt him。
  I slowed him down; Golanth said。 That's important; too。 He isn't a feline。
  He also isn't a trundlebug。 Heavier。 Zaranth replied。
  He seems to have survived; Tai said; walking quickly down the hall。
  It may be just a matter of control。 We must find out how the other dragons are doing; Golanth said。
  Tai reached F'lessan in his chair。
  〃How was the ride?〃
  〃It's not like going between;〃 he said firmly; looking her in the eye。 〃But I got here and Golly's leg isn't near as bad as I thought it was。 Couldn't really see it last night; you know。〃
  〃You had too much time to think。 I told you it was healing。〃
  〃I had to see it。〃
  〃I know;〃 she agreed affably but; when he started to get up; she pushed him back。
  〃I want to see all of Golly;〃 he protested。
  〃Golly can turn around。 You stay put。 It'll do Golly good to move。〃
  〃But he's smeared with numbweed;〃 F'lessan replied hotly。 〃You heard Keita lecture us。〃
  〃It won't hurt Golly to turn around in place。 He has done it。〃 Tai spoke firmly; sounding a bit like Keita。
  I can do it。 And Golanth ended that argument by rising to four feet; and whatever the turn might have lacked in grace; it did allow his seated rider to see all of him; glistening in ribbons and patches with recently and generously applied numbweed。 Except for the deepest ones; the claw marks were now mostly black tracings; where the wing sails had been punctured; the membrane tissue was ringed with pale new growth。 When F'lessan asked him to; Golanth obediently stopped so his rider could lean forward for a closer look at one deep groove or the imprint of claw tips。 At the point where Golanth was facing Zaranth on her ledge; he raised his head and gave her an affectionate lick。
  Tai tried to gauge F'lessan's assessment of his dragon's condition but his usually mobile face was expressionless。 His hands expressed his anguish; his fingers clenching and unclenching as if he wished he could erase the injuries; finally settling helplessly to the arms of the chair。 Then Golanth halted; in front of his seated rider。
  〃Swimming would do F'lessan a lot of good;〃 Tai murmured。
  Zaranth made the most astonishing sound of surprise; her eyes whirling into yellow and she extended her head and neck in protest。
  I'm only a green。 I would need a lot of practice to move as much as Golanth。
  F'lessan gave a burst of laughter。 When you bounced all those felines like so many wherries?
  I was angry。 I was afraid。 Zaranth's look was so apologetic that F'lessan laughed again; shaking his head at her。 I didn't bounce you last night。
  I helped; Golanth said with dignity; sweeping his weyrmate a kindly glance。 When I need to move; I will move myself。 I can fall over the edge of the terrace just as you did last night。
  Not just yet; Golly; both riders said urgently。
  Zaranth curved her head back。 You couldn't have seen me。 And you can't go falling off the terrace。 You've too much wingspread to drop off
  When I need to move; I said; and his dignity increased。 I heard you last night。 Nothing's wrong with my hearing。 Swimming would be good for my rider。 You must take him today。 F'lessan; tell the healers you must swim。
  I'm not leaving you; F'lessan replied stoutly。
  I am much better; you know。 So are you; Golanth said; shoving his nose gently at F'lessan's knees; the good eye serenely steady。 Then he cocked his head so he could see through the left eye。
  〃Keita gave me this to help lubricate his lids;〃 Tai said; handing F'lessan the jar。 It took her breath away to see the ruin of the left eye in full light and she knew it must be worse for his rider。
  〃Yes; that's a good idea;〃 F'lessan said in an even voice and unscrewed the jar。 With the tip of a delicately poised finger; he applied the gel。 〃Now close that lid and I'll do the other。〃
  〃Swimming would be very good for you;〃 Tai repeated when he had finished that ministration。 〃Your wounds are closed。 Going between won't affect them。 I'm sure we can get you on Zaranth's back。 The sea would do you good。 Getting away from here would do you good。〃
  F'lessan leaned back in the chair; regarding her steadily just as Keita approached。
  〃What's this about the sea?〃 the healer asked。
  〃It'd be excellent therapy; Keita; you know that。 The dolphins will assist。〃
  There was considerably more discussion about swimming。 Basically Keita had no objection but she wanted a healer to acpany them; even offering to go herself; with perhaps T'lion and his Gadareth as support while F'lessan insisted that Tai and Zaranth would be more than adequate panions。 Somewhat reluctantly Keita admitted that the presence of dolphins would suffice if Tai were certain they'd appear。 F'lessan and Tai both reassured her。
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