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en down further; in search of highly accurate subgroups within that classification。 Results of special testing confirm the Odd Man Hypothesis; that an unmarried male should carry out mand decisions involving thermonuclear or chem…biol destruct contexts。
Single males; total: 。824
missioned officer: 。655
nonmissioned officer: 。624
engineers: 。877
ground crews: 。901
maintenance and utility: 。758
Scientists: 。946
These results concerning the relative skill of decision…making individuals should not be interpreted hastily。 Although it would appear that janitors are better decision makers than generals; the situation is in reality more plex。 PRINTED SCORES ARE SUMMATIONS OF TEST AND INDIVIDUAL VARIATIONS。 DATA MUST BE INTERPRETED WITH THIS IN MIND。 Failure to do so may lead to totally erroneous and dangerous assumptions。
Application of study to Wildfire mand personnel conducted at request of AEC at time of implantation of self…destruct nuclear capacity。 Test given to all Wildfire personnel; results filed under CLASSIF WILDFIRE: GENERAL PERSONNEL (see ref。 77…14…0023)。 Special testing for mand group。
Name: Index of Effectiveness
Burton: 。543
Leavitt: 。601
Kirke: 。614
Stone: 。687
Hall: 。899
Results of special testing confirm the Odd Man Hypothesis; that an unmarried male should carry out mand decisions involving thermonuclear or chem…biol destruct contexts。
When Hall had finished reading; he said; 〃It's crazy。〃
〃Nonetheless;〃 Stone said; 〃it was the only way we could get the government to put control of the weapon in our hands。
〃You really expect me to put in my key; and fire that thing?〃
〃I'm afraid you don't understand;〃 Stone said。 〃The detonation mechanism is automatic。 Should breakthrough of the organism occur; with contamination of all Level V; detonation will take place within three minutes unless you lock in your key; and call it off。〃
〃Oh;〃 Hall said; in a quiet voice。
11。 Decontamination
A BELL RANG SOMEWHERE ON THE LEVEL; STONE glanced up at the wall clock。 It was late。 He began the formal briefing; talking rapidly; pacing up and down the room; hands moving constantly。
〃As you know;〃 he said; 〃we are on the top level of a five…story underground structure。 According to protocol it will take us nearly twenty…four hours to descend through the sterilization and decontamination procedures to the lowest level。 Therefore we must begin immediately。 The capsule is already on its way。〃
He pressed a button on a console at the head of the table; and a television screen glowed to life; showing the coneshaped satellite in a plastic bag; making its descent。 It was being cradled by mechanical hands。
〃The central core of this circular building;〃 Stone said; 〃contains elevators and service units plumbing; wiring; that sort of thing。 That is where you see the capsule now。 It will be deposited shortly in a maximum…sterilization assembly on the lowest level。〃
He went on to explain that he had brought back two other surprises from Piedmont。 The screen shifted to show Peter Jackson; lying on a litter; with intravenous lines running into both arms。
〃This man apparently survived the night。 He was the one walking around when the planes flew over; and he was still alive this morning。〃
〃What's his status now?〃
〃Uncertain;〃 Stone said。 〃He is unconscious; and he was vomiting blood earlier today。 We've started intravenous dextrose to keep him fed and hydrated until we can get down to the bottom。〃
Stone flicked a button and the screen showed the baby。 It was howling; strapped down to a tiny bed。 An intravenous bottle was running into a vein in the scalp。
〃This little fellow also survived last night;〃 Stone said。 〃So we brought him along。 We couldn't really leave him; since a Directive 7…12 was being called。 The town is now destroyed by a nuclear blast。 Besides; he and Jackson are living clues which may help us unravel this mess。〃
Then; for the benefit of Hall and Leavitt; the two men disclosed what they had seen and learned at Piedmont。 They reviewed the findings of rapid death; the bizarre suicides; the clotted arteries and the lack of bleeding。
Hall listened in astonishment。 Leavitt sat shaking his head。
When they were through; Stone said; 〃Questions?〃
〃None that won't keep;〃 Leavitt said。
〃Then let's get started;〃 Stone said。
They began at a door; which said in plain white letters: TO LEVEL II It was an innocuous; straightforward; almost mundane sign。 Hall had expected something more perhaps a stern guard with a machine gun; or a sentry to check passes。 But there was nothing; and he noticed that no one had badges; or clearance cards of any kind。
He mentioned this to Stone。 〃Yes;〃 Stone said。 〃We decided against badges early on。 They are easily contaminated and difficult to sterilize; usually they are plastic and high…heat sterilization melts them。〃
The four men passed through the door; which clanged shut heavily and sealed with a hissing sound。 It was airtight。 Hall faced a tiled room; empty except for a hamper marked I 'clothing。〃 He unzipped his jumpsuit and dropped it into the hamper; there was a brief flash of light as it was incinerated。
Then; looking back; he saw that on the door through which he had e was a sign: 〃Return to Level I is NOT Possible Through this Access。〃
He shrugged。 The other men were already moving through the second door; marked simply EXIT。 He followed them and stepped into clouds of steam。 The odor was peculiar; a faint woodsy smell that he guessed was scented disinfectant。 He sat down on a bench and relaxed; allowing the steam to envelop him。 It was easy enough to understand the purpose of the steam room: the heat opened the pores; and the steam would be inhaled into the lungs。
The four men waited; saying little; until their bodies were coated with a sheen of moisture; and then walked into the next room。
Leavitt said to Hall; 〃What do you think of this?〃
〃It's like a goddam Roman bath;〃 Hall said。
The next room contained a shallow tub (〃Immerse Feet ONLY〃) and a shower。 (〃Do not swallow shower solution。 Avoid undue exposure to eyes and mucous membranes。〃) It was all very intimidating。 He tried to guess what the solutions were by smell; but failed; the shower was slippery; though; which meant it was alkaline。 He asked Leavitt about this; and Leavitt said the solution was alpha chlorophin at pH 7。7。 Leavitt said that whenever possible; acidic and alkaline solutions were alternated。
〃When you think about it;〃 Leavitt said; 〃we've faced up to quite a planning problem here。 How to disinfect the human body one of the dirtiest things in the known universe without killing the person at the same time。 Interesting。
He wandered off。 Dripping wet from the shower; Hall looked around for a towel but found none。 He entered the next room and blowers turned on from the ceiling in a rush of hot air。 From the sides of the room; UV lights clicked on; bathing the room in an intense purple light。 He stood there until a buzzer sounded; and the dryers turned off。 His skin tingled slightly as he entered the last room; which contained clothing。 They were not jumpsuits; but rather like surgical uniforms light…yellow; a loose…fitting top with a V…neck and short sleeves; elastic banded pants; low rubber…soled shoes; quite fortable; like ballet slippers。
The cloth was soft; some kind of synthetic。 He dressed and stepped with the others through a door marked EXIT TO LEVEL II。 He entered the elevator and waited as it descended。
Hall emerged to find himself in a corridor。 The was here were painted yellow; not red as they had been on Level I。 The people wore yellow uniforms。 A nurse by the elevator said; 〃The time is 2:47 p。m。; gentlemen。 You may continue your descent in one hour。〃
They went to a small room marked INTERIM CONFINEMENT。 It contained a half…dozen couches with plasti