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〃Course unchanged;〃 Howell murmured; peering into the radar hood。 〃Collision in nine minutes。〃
〃Fire flares in the direction of the ship;〃 Britton said; back at the mand station。
Howell relayed the order; and Britton turned to the watch officer。 〃How's she steer?〃
〃Like a pig; ma'am; at this speed。〃
McFarlane could feel a heavy strain shuddering through the ship。
〃Five minutes and closing;〃 Howell said。
〃Fire some more flares。 Fire them at the ship。 Put me on ICM frequency。〃 Britton picked up a transmitter from the mand station。 〃Unidentified vessel three thousand yards off my port quarter; this is the tanker Rolvaag。 Change your course twenty degrees to starboard to avoid collision。 Repeat; change your course twenty degrees to starboard。〃 She repeated the message in Spanish; then turned up the gain on the receiver。 The entire bridge listened silently to the wash of static。
Britton replaced the transmitter。 She looked at the helmsman; then at Howell。
〃Three minutes to collision;〃 Howell said。
She spoke into the blower。 〃All hands; this is the master speaking。 Prepare for collision at the starboard bow。〃
The foghorn ripped once again through the thinning veils of mist。 A claxon was going off; and lights were blinking on the bridge。
〃ing up on the starboard bow;〃 Howell said。
〃Get damage and fire control ready;〃 Britton replied。 Then she pulled a bullhorn from the bulkhead; raced toward the door leading onto the starboard bridge wing; tore it open; and vanished outside。 As if at a single thought; Glinn and McFarlane followed。
The moment he stepped outside; McFarlane was soaked by the frigid; heavy haze。 Below; he could hear confused sounds of running and shouting。 The foghorn; even louder here on the exposed deck; seemed to atomize the thick air that surrounded them。 Britton had run to the far end of the wing and was leaning over the railing; suspended a hundred feet above the sea; bullhorn poised。
The fog was beginning to break up; streaming across the maindeck。 But off the starboard bow; it seemed to McFarlane that the mist was thickening; growing darker again。 Suddenly; a forest of antennas solidified out of the gloom; forward anchor light glowing pale white。 The foghorn once again blasted its warning; but the vessel came unrelentingly toward them at full speed; a creamy; snarling wake of foam cutting across its gray bows。 Its outlines became clearer。 It was a destroyer; its sides pitted and scarred and streaked with rust。 Chilean flags fluttered from its superstructure and fantail。 Four…inch guns; stubby and evil…looking; sat in housings on the fore and aft decks。
Britton was screaming into the bullhorn。 Collision alarms sounded; and McFarlane could feel the bridge wing shaking beneath him as the engines tried to pull away。 But it was impossible to turn the big ship quickly enough。 He planted his feet; grasping the railing; preparing for impact。
At the last moment; the destroyer sheered to port; gliding past the tanker with no more than twenty yards to spare。 Britton lowered the bullhorn。 All eyes followed the smaller vessel。
Every gun of the destroyer … from the big deck turrets to the 40…millimeter cannon … was trained on the bridge of the Rolvaag。 McFarlane stared at the ship in mingled perplexity and horror。 And then his eyes fell on the destroyer's flying bridge。
Standing alone; in full uniform; was the naval andante they had met that morning in customs。 Wind tugged at the gold bars on his officer's cap。 He was passing so close beneath them that McFarlane could see the beads of moisture on his face。
Vallenar paid them no mind。 He was leaning against a 。50…caliber machine gun mounted to the rail; but it was a posture of false ease。 The barrel of the gun; its perforated snout heavy with sea salt and rust; was aimed directly at them; an insolent promise of death。 His black eyes skewered them one at a time。 His withered arm was clutched against his chest at a precise angle to his body。 The man's gaze never wavered; and as the destroyer slid by; both he and the machine gun rotated slowly; keeping them in view。
And then the destroyer fell astern of the Rolvaag; slipping back into the mist; and the specter was gone。 In the chill silence that remained; McFarlane heard the destroyer's engines rumble up to full speed once again; and felt the faintest sensation of rocking as its wake passed beneath the tanker。 It had the gentle up…and…down motion of a baby's cradle; and; if it had not been terrifying; would have been distinctly forting。
July 13; 6:30 A。M。
MCFARLANE STIRRED in the predawn darkness of his stateroom。 The bedsheets were twisted around hum in a cyclone of linen; and the pillow beneath his head was heavy with sweat。 He rolled over; still half asleep; instinctively reaching for Malou's forting warmth。 But save for himself; the berth was empty。
He sat up and waited for his pounding heart to find its normal rhythm as the disconnected images of a nightmar … a ship; tossed on a stormy sea … receded from his mind。 As he passed a hand across his eyes; he realized that not everything had been a dream: the motion of the water was still with him。 The ship's movement had changed; instead of the usual gentle roll; it felt shuddery and rough。 Throwing aside the sheets; he walked to the window and pulled the curtain back。 Sleet splattered against the Plexiglas; and there was a thick coating of ice along its lower edge。
The dark set of rooms seemed oppressive and he dressed hurriedly; eager for fresh air despite the nasty conditions。 As he trotted down the two flights of stairs to the maindeck; the ship rolled and he was forced to steady himself on the railing for support。
As he opened the door leading out of the superstructure a blast of icy wind buffeted his face。 It was bracing; and it drove the last vestiges of the nightmare from his mind。 In the half…light he could see the windward vents; davits; and containers plastered with ice; the deck awash in slush。 McFarlane could now hear clearly the boom of a heavy sea running the length of the ship。 Out here; the roll of the vessel was more pronounced。 The dark; moiling seas were periodically whitened with great bing waves; the faint hiss of the breaking water ing to his ears over the moaning of the wind。
Someone was leaning up against the starboard railing; head sunk forward。 As he approached; he saw it was Amira; bundled once again in the ridiculously oversized parka。 〃What are you doing here?〃 he asked。
She turned toward him。 Deep within the furred hood of the parka; he made out a green…tinged face。 A few tendrils of black hair escaped; whipped back by the wind。
〃Trying to puke;〃 she said。 〃What's your excuse?〃
〃Couldn't sleep。〃
Amira nodded。 〃I'm hoping that destroyer es by again。 I'd like nothing better than to unload the contents of my stomach on that ugly little andante。〃
McFarlane did not answer。 The encounter with the Chilean vessel; and speculation about andante Vallenar and his motives; had dominated dinner…table talk the previous night。 And Lloyd; when he heard of the incident; had bee frantic。 Only Glinn seemed unconcerned。
〃Will you look at this?〃 Amira said。 Following her gaze; McFarlane saw the dark form of a jogger; clad only in gray warm…ups; making its way along the port rail。 As he stared; he realized it was Sally Britton。
〃Only she would be man enough to go jogging in this weather;〃 Amira said sourly。
〃She's pretty tough。〃
〃More like crazy。〃 Amira snickered。 〃Look at that sweatshirt bouncing around。〃
McFarlane; who had been looking at it; said nothing。
〃Don't get me wrong。 I take a purely scientific interest。 I'm thinking how one would calculate an equation of state for those rather impressive breasts。〃
〃An equation of state?〃
〃It's something we physicists do。 It relates all the physical properties of an object … temperature; pressure; density; elasticity … 〃
〃I get the picture。〃
〃Look;〃 Amira said; abruptly changing the subject。 〃'There's another wreck。〃
In the bleak winter distance; McFarlane could see the outline of a large ship; its back broken on a rock。
〃What is that; four?〃 Amira asked。
〃Five; I think。〃 As the Rolva