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uld never have given me the Blood。〃
   〃Will you listen to me when I tell you that's not so? When first I saw you I loved you。 It was only out of respect for your mortal life that I didn't share these cursed gifts with you! It was you who filled my eyes and heart before I ever found Amadeo。 I swear this to you。 Don't you remember the portraits I painted of you? Do you remember the hours I spent in your rooms? Think now on all that we've given each other。〃
   〃You deceived me;〃 she said。
   〃Yes; I did;〃 I said。 〃And I admit it; and I swear that I shall never do it again。 Not for Pandora or for anyone。〃
   On and on I pleaded。
   〃I can't stay with you;〃 she said。 〃I must go now。〃
   She turned around and looked at me。 She seemed wrapped in quiet and resolution。
   〃I'm begging you;〃 I said again。 〃Without pride; without reserve; I'm begging you; don't leave me。〃
   〃I must go;〃 she said。 〃And now; please; let me go down to take my leave of the Mother and the Father。 I would do this alone if you would allow it。〃
   I nodded。
   It was a long time before she came up from the shrine。 She told me quietly that she would leave on the following sunset。
   And true to her word; she did; her coach and four pulling out of the gates; as she began her journey。
   I stood at the top of the stairs watching her go。 I stood listening until the coach was deep into the forest。 I stood unbelieving and unable to accept that she was gone from me。
   How could this horrid disaster have occurred…that I lose Pandora and Bianca both? That I should be alone? And I was powerless to stop it。
   For many months after that; I could scarcely believe what had befallen me。
   I told myself that a letter would soon e from Pandora; or that she herself would return with Arjun; that Pandora would will it so。
   I told myself that Bianca would realize that she could not exist without me。 She would e home; eager to forgive me; or she would send some hasty letter asking me to e to her。
   But these things did not happen。
   A year passed and these things did not happen。
   And another year and then fifty。 And these things did not happen。
   And all the while; though I moved deeper into the woods surrounding
    Dresden; in another more fortified castle; I remained near at hand in the hopes that one or both of my loves would e back to me。
   For a half century I remained; waiting; not believing; and weighed down with a sorrow I couldn't share with anyone。
   I think I had ceased to pray in the shrine though I tended it faithfully。 
   And I had begun; in a confidential manner; to talk to Akasha。 I had begun to tell her my woes in a more informal manner than before; to tell her of how I had failed with those whom I had loved。
   〃But I shall never fail with you; my Queen;〃 I said; and I said it often。
   And then as the 17008 menced; I prepared to make a daring move to an island where I would rule supreme in the Aegean Sea; surrounded by mortals who would easily accept me as their lord; in a stone house which I had prepared for me by a host of mortal servants。
   All who have read The Vampire Lestat's tale of his life know of this immense and unusual place because he vividly described it。 It far exceeded in grandeur any other palace in which I had ever lived; and its remoteness was a challenge to my ingenuity。
    But I was most purely alone now; alone as I had ever been before the love of Amadeo; or Bianca; and I had no hope of an immortal panion。 And perhaps in truth I wanted none。
   It had been centuries since I had heard of Mael。 I knew nothing of Avicus or Zenobia。 I knew nothing of any other Child of the Millennia。
   I wanted only a great and gorgeous shrine for the Mother and Father; and as I have said; I spoke to Akasha constantly。
   But before I go on to describe this last and most important of all my European dwellings; I must include one last tragic detail in the story of those who were lost to me。
   As my many treasures were moved to this Aegean palace; as my books; my sculptures; my fine tapestries and rugs and other such were shipped and uncrated by unsuspecting mortals; there came to light one final piece of the story of my beloved Pandora。
   In the bottom of a packing case; one of the workers discovered a letter; written on parchment; and folded in half; and addressed quite simply to Marius。
   I was on the terrace of this new house; gazing out at the sea and over the many small islands that surrounded me; when the letter was brought to me。
   The page of parchment was thick with dust; and as soon as I opened it; I read a date inscribed in old ink which affirmed that it had been written the night I parted with Pandora。
   It was as if the fifty years separating me from that pain meant nothing。
   My beloved Marius;
   It is almost dawn and I have only a few moments in which to write to you。 As we have told you; our coach will leave within the hour carrying us away and towards the eventual destination of Moscow。
   Marius; I want nothing more than to e to you now; but I cannot do it。 I cannot seek shelter in the same house with the Ancient Ones。
   But I beg you; my beloved; please e to Moscow。 Please e and help me to free myself from Arjun。 Later you can judge me and condemn me。
   I need you; Marius。 I shall haunt the vicinity of the Czar's palace and the Great Cathedral until you e。
   Marius; I know I ask of you that you make a great journey; but please e。
   Whatever I have said of my love of Arjun; I am his slave now too pletely; and I would be yours again。
   For hours I sat with the letter in my hand; and then slowly I rose and went to my servants and asked them that they tell me where the letter had been found。
   It had been in a packing case of books from my old library。
   How had I failed to receive it? Had Bianca hidden this letter from me? That I couldn't believe。 It seemed some simpler more haphazard cruelty had taken place…that a servant had laid it on my desk in the early hours; and I myself had swept it aside into a heap of books without ever seeing it。
   But what did it matter?
   The awful damage was done。
   She had written to me; and I had not known it。 She had begged me to e to Moscow and I; not knowing; had not gone。 And I did not know where to find her。 I had her avowal of love; but it was too late。
   In the following months I searched the Russian capital。 I searched in the hope that she and Arjun had for some reason made their home there。
   But I found no trace of Pandora。 The wide world had swallowed her as it had swallowed my Bianca。
   What more can I say to reveal the anguish of these two losses…that of Pandora whom I'd sought for so long; and my sweet and lovely Bianca?
   With these two losses my story es to a close。
   Or rather I should say we have e full circle。
   We now return to the story of the Queen of the Damned and of The Vampire Lestat who waked her。 And I shall be brief as I revisit that story。 For I think I see most clearly what it is that would heal my miserable soul more than anything。 But before I can move on to that; we must revisit Lestat's antics and the story of how I lost my last love; Akasha。
   The Vampire Lestat
   AS ALL KNOW; who follow our Chronicles; I was on the island in the Aegean Sea; ruling over a peaceful world of mortals when Lestat; a young vampire; no more than ten years in the Blood; began to call out to me。
   Now I was most belligerent in my solitude。 And not even the recent rise of Amadeo; out of the old coven in Paris; to bee the Master of the new and bizarre Theatre des Vampires; could lure me from my solitude。
   For though I had spied upon Amadeo more than once; I saw nothing in him; but the same heartbreaking sadness that I had known in Venice。 I preferred loneliness to courting him。
   But when I heard the call of Lestat; I sensed in him a powerful and unfettered intelligence; and I went to him at once; rescuing him from his first true retreat as a blood drinker and I brought him to my house; revealing its location to him。
   I felt a great outpouring of love for Lestat; and impetuously perhaps; I took
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