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   The blood drinker nodded。
   〃And your gods?〃 Thorne asked。 〃Who were they? I don't speak of belief; you understand; I speak of what we lost; you and I。 Do you catch my meaning?〃
   〃The gods of old Rome; those are the gods I lost;〃 said the stranger。 〃My name is Marius。〃
   Thorne nodded。 It was too marvelous to speak aloud and to hear the voice of another。 For the moment; he forgot the blood he craved and wanted only a flood of words。
   〃Speak to me; Marius;〃 he said。 〃Tell me wondrous things。 Tell me all that you would have me know。〃 He tried to stop himself but he couldn't do it。
   〃Once I stood speaking to the wind; telling the wind all things that were in my mind and in my heart。 Yet when I went North into the ice; I had no language。〃 He broke off; staring into Marius's eyes。 〃My soul is too hurt。 I have no true thoughts。〃
   〃I understand you;〃 said Marius。 〃e with me to my house。 You're wele to the bath; and to the clothes you need。 Then we'll hunt and you'll be restored; and then es talk。 I can tell you stories without end。 I can tell you all the stories of my life that I want to share with another。〃
   A long sigh escaped Thorne's lips。 He couldn't prevent himself from smiling in gratitude; his eyes moist and his hands trembling。 He searched the stranger's face。 He could find no evidence of dishonesty or cunning。 The stranger seemed wise; and simple。
   〃My friend;〃 Thorne said and then he bent forward and offered the kiss of greeting。 Biting deep into his tongue; he filled his mouth with blood; and opened his lips over those of Marius。
   The kiss did not take Marius by surprise。 It was his own custom。 He received the blood and obviously savored it。
   〃Now we can't quarrel over any small thing;〃 said Thorne。 He settled back against the wall greatly confused suddenly。 He wasn't alone。 He feared that he might give way to tears。 He feared that he hadn't the strength to go back out into the dreadful cold and acpany this one to his house; yet it was what he needed to do so terribly。
   〃e;〃 said Marius; 〃I'll help you。〃
   They rose from the table together。
   This time the agony of passing through the crowd of mortals was even greater。 So many bright glistening eyes fastened on him; though it was only for a moment。
   Then they were in the narrow street again; in the gentle swirling snow; and Marius had his arm tight around him。
   Thorne was gasping for breath; because his heart had been so quickened。 He found himself biting at the snow as it came in gusts into his face。 He had to stop for a moment and gesture for his new friend to have patience。
   〃So many things I saw with the Mind Gift;〃 he said。 〃I didn't understand them。〃
   〃I can explain; perhaps;〃 said Marius。 〃I can explain all I know and you can do with it what you will。 Knowledge has not been my salvation of late。 I am lonesome。〃
   〃I'll stay with you;〃 Thorne said。 This sweet camaraderie was breaking his heart。
   A long time they walked; Thorne being stronger again; forgetting the warmth of the tavern as if it had been a delusion。
   At last they came to a handsome house; with a high peaked roof; and many windows。 Marius put his key into the door; and they left the blowing snow behind; stepping into a broad hallway。
   A soft light came from the rooms beyond。 The walls and ceiling were of finely oiled wood; the same as the floor; with all corners neatly fitted。
   〃A genius of the modern world made this house for me;〃 Marius explained。 〃I've lived in many houses; in many styles。 This is but one way。 e inside with me。〃
   The great room of the house had a rectangular stone fireplace built into its wooden wall。 And there the fire was stacked waiting to be lighted。 Through glass walls of remarkable size; Thorne saw the lights of the city。 He realized that they were on the edge of the hill; and that a valley lay below them。
   〃e;〃 said Marius; 〃I must introduce you to the other who lives here with me。〃
   This startled Thorne; because he had not detected the presence of anyone else; but he followed Marius through a doorway out of the great room into another chamber on the left; and there he saw a strange sight which mystified him。
   Many tables filled the room; or perhaps it was one great broad table。 But it was covered all over with a small landscape of hills and valleys; towns and cities。 It was covered with little trees; and even little shrubbery; and here and there was snow; as if one town lay under winter and another lay under spring or summer。
   Countless houses crowded the landscape; many with twinkling lights; and there were sparkling lakes made of some hard substance to imitate the gleam of water。 There were tunnels through the mountains。
   And on curving iron tracks through this little wilderness there ran little railroad trains; seemingly made out of iron; like those of the great modern world。
   Over this tiny world; there presided a blood drinker who didn't bother to look up at Thorne as he entered。 The blood drinker had been a young male when he was made。 He was tall; but very slight of build; with very delicate fingers。 His hair was the faded blond more mon among Englishmen than Norsemen。
   He sat near the table; where before him was a cleared space devoted to his paintbrushes; and to several bottles of paint; while with his hands he painted the bark of a small tree; as if in readiness to put it into the world that stretched out all over the room; surrounding and almost enclosing him。
   A rush of pleasure passed through Thorne as he looked over this little world。 It struck him suddenly that he could have spent an hour inspecting all of the tiny buildings。 It was not the harsh great world outside; but something precious and protected; and even slightly enchanting。
   There was more than one small black train which ran along upon the wandering tracks; and a small droning noise came from these trains as if from bees in a hive。 The trains had lights inside their tiny windows。
   All the myriad details of this small wonderland seemed to be correct。
   〃I feel I'm the frost giant in this room;〃 Thorne whispered reverently。
   It was an offering of friendship to the youngish male who continued to apply the brown paint to the bark of the tiny tree which he held so delicately between his left fingers。 But the youngish male blood drinker did not respond。
   〃These tiny cities and towns are foil of pretty magic;〃 Thorne said; his voice a little more timid。
   The youngish male seemed to have no ears。
   〃Daniel?〃 said Marius gently to his friend; 〃do you want to greet Thorne who is our guest tonight?〃
   〃Wele; Thorne;〃 said Daniel without looking up。 And then as if neither Thorne nor Marius were there; Daniel stopped the painting of his tree; and dipping another brush into another bottle; he made a dampened spot for the tree in the great world before him。 He set the tree down hard upon that spot and the tree stood firm as though rooted。
   〃This house is full of many rooms like this;〃 said Marius in an even voice; his eyes looking at Thorne gently。 〃Look below。 One can purchase thousands of little trees; and thousands of little houses。〃 He pointed to stacks upon stacks of small containers on the floor beneath the table。 〃Daniel is very good at putting together the houses。 See how intricate they are? This is all that Daniel does now。〃
   Thorne sensed a judgment in Marius's voice but it was soft; and the youngish blood drinker paid no attention。 He had taken up another small tree; and was examining the thick green portion which made up its leafy upper limbs。 To this he soon applied his little paintbrush。
   〃Have you ever seen one of our kind under such a spell?〃 Marius asked。
   Thorne shook his head。 No; he had not。 But he understood how such a thing could happen。
    〃It occurs sometimes;〃 said Marius。 〃The blood drinker bees enthralled。 I remember centuries ago I heard the story of a blood drinker in a Southern land whose sole passion was for finding beautiful shells along the shore; and this she did all night long until near morning。
    She did hunt and she did drink; but it was only to return to the shells; and once she looked at each; she t
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