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Stands with his arms crossed。
〃HaDou〃 can also be translated as 〃Surge〃
*Evil Ryu*
Start : 〃Zetsu〃 : 〃Death〃
〃Ore no kobushi ga chi wo motomete yo!〃 : 〃My fist wants
your blood!〃
〃Kobushi ga chi wo motomete yo!〃 : 〃The fist wants
your blood!〃
Taunt : 〃Korosu!〃 : 〃I will kill you!〃
〃ShouRyuuKen!〃 : 〃Rising Dragon Fist!〃
〃HaDouKen!〃 : 〃Waving Fist!〃
〃TatsumakiSenpuuKyaku!〃 : 〃Tornado Whirlwind Kick!〃
〃Shinkuu。。。HaDouKen!〃 : 〃Vacuum。。。Waving Fist!〃
〃Oiike desu ka?〃 : 〃Are you scared?〃
Win poses:
〃Shin no tsu; tometekureru!〃 : 〃I will stop your heartbeat!〃
〃Ware; Kobushi kiwame tari!〃 : 〃I mastered my fist!〃
〃HaDou〃 can also be translated as 〃Surge〃
The Kanji that appears when he performs the ShunGokuSatsu is this: 柵 its
reading is 〃Metsu〃 and it means 〃Destruction〃
Start : 〃Gokusan desu!〃 : a form of 〃Gokurousama〃; which means
〃Thank your very much〃 for something。
Taunt : 〃Dossei!〃 : Just an expression
〃Gokusan desu!〃 : a form of 〃Gokurousama〃; which means
〃Thank your very much〃 for something。
〃Dosukoi!〃 : Sumou exclamation
Win poses:
〃Donnamon jai?〃 : 〃Did you see that?〃
〃Sekai wa hiroi no!〃 : 〃The world is vast!〃
Blanka doesn’t have any speech。
Start : 〃Ikuzo!〃 : 〃Let’s go!〃
Taunt : Giggles
〃ShunPuuKyaku!〃 : 〃Spring Wind Kick!〃
〃ShouOuKen!〃 : 〃Cherry Blossom Fist!〃
〃HaDouKen!〃 : 〃Waving Fist!〃
〃Soko da!〃 : 〃There!〃
〃Mada o da!〃 : 〃Not yet!〃
〃Shinkuu。。。HaDouKen!〃 : 〃Vacuum。。。Waving Fist!〃
〃Ichiban! Haa!〃 : 〃Spring rain! Haa!〃
〃Iku yo!〃 : 〃Here I go!〃
Win poses:
〃Kono toko da ne!〃 : 〃That’s how it’s done!〃
In Sakura’s case; 〃Ichiban〃 doesn’t mean 〃the best〃 or 〃number one〃;
〃Ichiban〃 is the name of the first rain of the rainy season in Japan;
and that’s the meaning intended for it; since the move is called
〃Haru Ichiban〃 which means 〃First rain of Spring〃
Start : 〃Kakugo wa ii yo ne〃 : 〃Be prepared〃
Taunt : 〃Gomen ne!〃 : 〃I’m sorry!〃
〃KiKouKen!〃 : 〃Energy Fist!〃
〃Nan no!〃 : 〃That’s nothing!〃
〃Supiningu Baado Kikku!〃 : 〃Spinning Bird Kick!〃
〃Iku wa yo!〃 : 〃Here I go!
〃Aaaa。。。KiKouShou!〃 : 〃Aaah。。。。Energy Palm!〃
Win poses:
〃Gomen ne; e?〃 : 〃I’m sorry; eh?〃
〃Yatta!〃 : 〃I did it!〃
Start : 〃Let’s go!〃
〃Get it on!〃
〃Let’s battle!〃
Taunt : 〃e on!〃
〃e on; rookie!〃
〃Sonic Boom!〃
〃Ready; set。。。Shoot!〃
〃Somersault Strike!〃
Win poses:
bs his hair
〃Good job!〃
〃Easy operation!〃
Start: 〃Tanoshimasette choudai!〃 : 〃Amuse me!〃
〃Dou? Kirei deshou?〃 : 〃So? Did you like it?〃
Taunt: 〃Watashi no mono ni naranai?〃 : 〃Won’t you bee mine?〃
〃Soul Fist!〃
〃Shadow Blade!〃
〃Kimochii deshou〃 : 〃That felt good〃
〃Oshioki yo!〃 : 〃Punishment!〃
〃Iku wa yo!〃 : 〃Here I go!〃
〃Ochiro!〃 : 〃Fall!〃 (or 〃Go to hell!〃)
〃Warui ne!〃 : 〃Bad!〃
Win poses :
〃Denao shitoi ne!〃 : 〃e again!〃
〃Mata asobi geru wa!〃 : 〃Let’s play again!〃
Start : 〃Here I go!〃
〃Target confirmed!〃
〃Lock on!〃
Taunt : 〃C’mon!〃
〃Spiral Arrow!〃
〃Cannon Spike!〃
〃Spin Dive Smasher!〃
(when defeated)
Win poses:
〃Too short〃
〃Mission pleted; sir!〃
〃Good job!〃
Start : 〃Namaste!〃 : 〃Hello!〃 (in Hindi)
〃Samadhi!〃 : According to a Samadhitank; in Yoga; Samadhi is a
〃State of deep contemplation〃
Taunt : 〃Yoga!〃
〃Yoga Fire!〃
〃Yoga Flame!〃
〃Yoga Burasuto!〃 : 〃Yoga Blast!〃
〃Yoga Stream!〃
Win poses:
〃Yoga yoga yoga。。。。〃
Start : 〃I am the Red Cyclone!〃
Taunt : 〃Grrr!〃
Win poses:
〃Harasho!〃 : 〃Good!〃 (in Russian)
〃Bolshoi Pabeda!〃 : 〃A big victory!〃 (in Russian)
*Balrog (M。Bison in Japan)*
Intro: 〃Don’t stop me!〃
Taunt : 〃C’mon; sandbag!〃
〃Blast you!〃
Win poses:
〃I got paid!〃
〃I am champ!〃
*Vega (Balrog in Japan)*
Vega doesn’t speak at all。 He only laughs; makes noises; etc。
Start : 〃Heh heh heh!〃
Taunt : 〃Hmph!〃
〃Tiger Uppercut!〃
〃Tiger Raid!〃
Win poses:
〃Try again; geek!〃
*M。Bison (Vega in Japan)*
Start : 〃Inochi ga oshika nai yo da na!〃 : 〃You don’t want to live anymore!〃
〃Sono kubi。。。 ka kiru〃 : 〃I will cut your neck off〃
Taunt : 〃Ha! Akubi suru ka〃 : 〃Ha! Let me yawn〃
〃Psycho Crusher!〃
〃Amai!〃 : 〃Weak!〃
Win poses:
〃Zako ga。。。〃 : 〃Punk。。。〃
〃Shi wo kureteyaru! : 〃I will give you death!〃
*Gouki (Akuma)*
Start: 〃Shoushi!〃 : 〃Ridiculous!〃
〃Messatsu!〃 : 〃Murderous!〃
〃Gou ZanKuu!〃 : 〃Overpowering Slashing Air!〃
〃Usero!〃 : 〃Get lost!〃
Win poses:
〃Haji to shirei!〃 : 〃A disgrace!〃
〃Shoushi!〃 : 〃Ridiculous!〃
The Kanji in his back is this: 揤; its reading is 〃Ten〃 and it means
*Shin Gouki (Akuma)*
Start: 〃Shin no chikara misetemiyo!〃 : 〃I will show you my true power!〃
〃Kakugo wa yo ii ka?〃 : 〃Are you ready?
Taunt: 〃Usero!〃 : 〃Get lost!〃
〃Orokana!〃 : 〃Stupid!〃
〃Messatsu!〃 : 〃Murderous!〃
〃Gou ZanKuu!〃 : 〃Overpowering Slashing Air!〃
〃Kakugo wa yo ii ka?〃 : 〃Are you ready?
Win poses:
〃Haji to shirei!〃 : 〃A disgrace!〃
〃Shoushi!〃 : 〃Ridiculous!〃
〃Ware wa Ken no kiwameshi mono!〃 : 〃I am the Master of the Fist!〃
Start: 〃Ore ni wa katenai ze!〃 : 〃You can’t beat me!〃
〃Kata ze; kono kenka!〃 : 〃Let’s settle this fight!〃
〃Muda na da!〃 (Yang) : 〃It’s useless!〃
Taunt: 〃Tsumaran ne na!〃 : 〃Boring!〃
〃Kakatte koi yo!〃 : 〃Bring it on!〃
〃Otto!〃 : 〃Whoa!〃
〃Ikuzo!〃 : 〃Let’s go!〃
〃RaiShinMaHaKen!〃 (Yang) : 〃Trembling Demonic Destroyer Fist!〃
〃Zenbu yomitte da! : 〃I read you entirely!〃
Win poses:
〃Tsugi!〃 : 〃Next one!〃
〃Zattokonnamon!〃 : 〃That’s all!〃
〃Yobu yu da ze!〃
〃Haa!〃 (with Yang)
Start: 〃Tekagen nante shineezo!〃 : 〃Don’t hold back!〃
Taunt: 〃Yaruki wa aru no ka?〃 : 〃Will you even try?〃
〃Tokomiten da yo!〃
〃Jama ne na!〃 : 〃Don’t be in my way!〃
〃Tsukiari!〃 : 〃Strike!〃
〃Hissatsu!〃 : 〃Special technique!〃
〃Kutabari!〃 : 〃Die!〃
〃Ougi! Heeyah!〃 : 〃Secret! Heeyah!〃
〃Ougi! Kudaki ya!〃 : 〃Secret! Smash!〃
〃Hitotsu; Futatsu! Kudaki ya!〃 : 〃One; two; Smash!〃
〃Hitotsu; Futatsu; Mittsu! Omake ya!〃 : 〃One; two; three。 bonus!〃
Win poses:
〃Waruku omou na yo!〃 : 〃Don’t think bad of me!〃
〃Yosha!〃 : 〃All right!〃
〃Sabui ne; anta!〃 : 〃You’re weird!〃
〃Sabui〃 is a variation of the word 〃Samui〃 which means 〃cold〃。 In some
areas of Japan; Samui varies to Sabui。 Sabui also means 〃Weird〃; which
I think its the most according translation in this case。
Start: 〃Ready?〃
Taunt: Laughs
〃Yosha!〃 : 〃All right!〃
〃Get set!〃
Win poses:
〃Mission plete!〃
Start: 〃Shall we then?〃
Taunt: 〃No time for losers!〃
Win poses:
〃The show must go on〃
*Hibiki Dan*
Start : 〃Densetsu wo miseteyaru ze!〃 : 〃I will show you a Legend!〃
〃Ikuzora!〃 : 〃Let’s go!〃
〃Yoshaa!〃 : 〃All right!〃
Taunts : 〃Yahoo!〃
〃Doushita doushita?!〃 : 〃What’s wrong?!〃
〃Namen ja ne zo!〃 : 〃Stop kidding!〃
〃Rakushou!〃 : 〃An easy win!〃
〃Ikuzora!〃 : 〃Let’s go!〃
〃Ora ora ora ora!〃 : 〃C’mon; c’mon!〃
〃Mouicho!〃 : 〃One more!〃
〃Yoyuushi!〃 : 〃Piece of cake!〃
〃GadouKen!〃 : 〃Self…taught Fist!〃
〃KouRyuuKen〃 : 〃Clearing Dragon Fist!〃
〃Sorya!〃 : 〃Take that!〃
〃Shinkuu。。。GadouKen!〃 : 〃Vacuum。。。Self…taught Fist!〃
〃Saikyou…Ryuu Ougi! KouRyuuRekka!!〃 : 〃Saikyou Style Secret! Clearing Dragon
Raging Fire!〃