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globalization 4; 281 
goals 82; 96; 108; 122; 130; 135; 144; 146; 
161; 169; 210; 217; 229; 262; 299 
Google 60; 82; 103; 116; 133; 186; 283; 296 
gossip 186; 303 
agencies 69; 214 
regulations 269 
Graduate Management Admissions Council 
11; 306 
GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions 
Test) 7; 11; 305–06 
grants 69; 156; 171; 186 
Greenspan; Alan 280 
gross profit 30–31; 38–39; 42; 79; 80; 275 
options 270; 273 
rapid 68; 200 
Harvard Business Publishing 281 
Harvard Business Review 150; 152; 159; 
282; 290 
Harvard Business School 3; 7; 8; 10–11; 13; 
51; 84; 140–41; 159; 162–63; 168; 214; 217; 
263; 265; 269; 299 
hedge funds 52 
Hertzberg; Frederick 142 
managements 218 
structures 122–23 
High Value Managers; Programme for 12 
HM Revenue and Customs 37; 63; 88; 190; 
human resource management 246 
hygiene factors 143; 153 
hyperinflation 205
Index 311 
Iambeingfired 184–85 
IBM 82; 145; 219; 234–35; 268 
illegal tax shelters 191 
Imperial College 133; 240 
ine statement 28; see also profit and loss 
Indian School of Business 279; 283 
inflation 196; 203–05 
information technology 243–45 
innovators 89; 90; 98 
INSEAD 8; 147; 223; 282; 299; 305 
intangible fixed assets 32; 34–35 see also 
fixed assets 
Intel 97; 231 
interest rate 40–41; 45; 53; 55; 57–58; 77; 
203; 206–08; 266 
internal rate of return 76–77 
international assignments 282 
International Chambers 114; 295 
internet 26; 30; 62; 89; 99; 106; 112–13; 116; 
133; 136; 140; 182; 189; 203; 234; 243–45 
intrapreneur 218 
invisible hand 196; 221–22 
IPOs (initial public offer) 5; 64; 66; 92; 262 
IRR (internal rate of return) 77 
JIT (just in time) 236 
description 133–34; 136 
satisfaction 142–43 
junk bonds 58 
Kellogg School of Management 12; 81; 279; 
Keynes; Maynard 201; 208 
Kondratieff 203 
Kotler; Philip 81 
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) 150–51 
KSA (knowledge; skills and a。。itude) 155 
Kuznet’s cycle 203 
laws 4; 23; 94; 125; 131; 136; 166–67; 175–76; 
182–83; 186–67; 196; 221; 226; 230; 287 
leaders 110; 144; 146–47; 158; 216; 281; 284; 
continuum 152 
strategies 292 
learning curve 161 
Learning Curve Calculator 266 
leasing 59 
leverage 291 see also gearing 
Lewis; John 96; 186 
liabilities 17–18; 21; 24; 32–34; 178; 193 
Libor 206 
libraries 10–11; 112–13; 190; 194 
licence 180; 186 
life…cycle concept 271 
life expectancy 200 
LIFO (last in first out) 35 see also FIFO and 
panies 60; 178; 189; 193 
partnership 60; 173; 177–78 
line managers 124–25 
programming 238–39 
regression 254 
liquid assets 44; 55 
liquidation 64; 203 
listing 67–68; 97; 104; 262; 268 
loan 53–58; 69; 73; 176; 219 
logistics 105–06 
London Business School 7; 13; 52; 163; 220; 
243; 272; 278; 305 
long…run return pyramid 273 
long…term assets 56; 192 
loss 3; 8; 24; 31; 64; 126; 152; 163; 170; 191; 
loyalty 97; 128; 133 
macroeconomics 196 
management see also mismanagement 
by walking around 148 
consultancy 272 
consultants 83; 168; 237 
crisis 146 
development 284–85; 287; 301 
grid 148–49 
information systems 5; 243 
skill 151 
team 67; 151 
change 158; 160 
director 147; 240 
Manchester Business School 7; 12; 283; 285 
manufacturing 106; 122; 125; 169; 174; 
analysis 292 
entry strategy 111 
forces 197 
gaps 85 
inefficiencies 210 
leader 83 
new 14; 214; 271; 273 
penetration 270 
price 35 
relevant 82–84 
research 3; 82; 89; 102; 111–14; 119; 295 
segmentation 90; 93 
share 82–84; 199; 267; 272
312 Index 
mix 94; 96–97; 105 
myopia 277 
strategy 3; 90; 94; 105; 188 
Maslow’s hierarchy 14; 86–88 
Massachuse。。s Institute of Technology 141; 
160; 214; 283 
Master of International Business 255 
matrix organization chart 125 
content 302 
curricula 5 
disciplines 3 
flexible 11 
framework 152 
full…time 303 
grade 220 
graduates 2 
guide 304 
lite 12 
model 12 
online 11 
perspective 27 
programmes 3; 7; 12; 168; 204; 243; 274; 
279; 305 
rankings 285; 303 
skills 2; 6; 132 
in Social Entrepreneurship 217 
syllabus 120 
two…year 299 
type 78 
McDonald’s Corporation 97; 219 
McGraw…Hill Inc 267; 303 
McGregor; Douglas 132; 141 
McKinsey 272 
mentoring 56 
merchant bank 67 
mergers 52; 132; 163; 179; 281; 290 
mezzanine finance 69 
Microso。。 60; 63; 69; 110; 186; 198; 219 
milestones 145; 164 
Mintzberg; Henry 147 
mismanagement 209 see also management 
mission 82; 144–45; 276; 301 
MIT OpenCourseWare 283–84 
MIT Sloan School of Management 141; 160; 
214; 247; 283–84 
monetary policy 196; 207–208 
monopolies 170; 186; 198 
Moore’s Law 245 
moral duties 222 
mortgages 57; 71; 169; 206; 266 
motivation 120; 140–41; 143–44; 305 
spending 208 
tax 209 
Myers…Briggs Type Indicator 138 
negotiating 110–11 
negotiation strategies 282 
networking 133; 168; 278 
New York University’s Stern Business 
School 242; 267 
non…core businesses 267 
non…financial performance measures 150 
normal distribution curve 251 
objectives 40; 103; 112; 120; 124; 144–46; 
149…51; 275; 287 
OECD 298 
Of 181 
Office of Fair Trading 182 
oligopoly 198–99 
operating profit 28; 31; 39; 42; 45; 53–55; 
operational research 240 
operations management 233; 235; 237; 239; 
241; 243; 245; 247 
ordinary share capital 43; 61 
organization structure 123 
outsourcing 234–35 
over…optimism 202 
overdra。。s 56; 74 
overtrading 25; 41 
owner…managed businesses 215 
ownership structures 180 
Pacioli 17; 23; 170 
partnerships 170; 173; 176…78; 180; 225; 263; 
passive investors 177 
patent 34; 98; 164; 171–72; 186–87; 198; 218; 
and Trade Mark Office 190 
pay…back method 75 
pay…what…you…like pricing 100 
PE ratio 46 
penetration 98; 263 
Pennsylvania University 7; 203; 301 
people issues 132 
perceptual mapping 84–85; 269 
perfect petition 198–99 
performance 4; 16; 40; 46; 50; 53; 55; 70; 72; 
78; 80; 99; 142; 147; 181; 232–33 
personal development 3; 5; 15; 278–79 
plan 154 
PERT (programme evaluation and review 
technique) 238 
PEST (political; economic; social and 
technological) 273 
pioneers 6; 100; 133; 147; 243; 267 
Plan 9; 66–67; 98; 112–13; 116; 145; 160–61; 
182; 239; 271; 274; 276; 279 
PLCs 178
Index 313 
podcast 103; 280–84 
policies 98; 147; 192; 207; 209–11; 262 
Porter; Michael 6; 13; 263; 268–69 
positive cash flow 271 see also cash 
dividends 42 
share 61 
Prêt à Manger 63; 219 
earnings ratio 46 
levels 197 
sensitivity 269 
Princeton University 255; 263 
Principles of Scientific Management 6; 233; 
panies 49; 131; 179 
equity firms 66 
probability 182; 247–48 
problem solving 247; 305–06 
Procter & Gamble 219; 267 
procurement 284 
adoption cycle 98 
life cycle 95–96 
mix 239; 273 
new 3; 41; 98; 111; 214; 248–49; 270–71; 
portfolio 267 
production 2; 5; 6; 84; 96; 130; 147; 149; 
214; 227–28; 233; 235–36; 239; 264; 274 
productivity 140–41; 161; 213; 233; 273 
and loss account 33 
and loss projection 80 
margins 28; 48; 79; 274 
performance 39 
ratios 42 
profitability 41–42 
project appraisals 71 
promotion 10; 94; 96–97; 101; 113; 147; 180 
promotion 101; 137 
property 20; 29; 55; 57; 190; 202–03 
proxy 12; 201; 267 
prudent 55; 191 
public panies 23; 49; 65; 67; 130–31; 
136; 176 
purpose pyramid 144 
push or pull 104–05; 107 
qualitative research 80; 246–47; 249; 251; 
253; 255–57; 259 
quality 7; 41; 85; 93; 145; 189; 198; 235; 
242–43; 245; 294; 300; 302; 304 
circles 243 
control 235; 242 
quantitative research and analysis 3; 
246–47; 255; 258 
questionnaire design 118; 259 
queuing theory 239 
random sample 216; 259 
rankings 7; 58; 83; 262; 301–04 
rate of return 70; 77 
ratios 3; 40–52; 55; 64 
realization concept 20 
recession 168; 203; 207–08; 224 
recruitment 124; 132; 134; 183 
reputation 87; 97; 169; 188; 229 
research method 256 
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