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michael strogoff-第62章

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At the second attack; the Tartars managed to force one of the gates。
A fight took place at the head of Bolchaia Street; two versts long;
on the banks of the Angara。  But the Cossacks; the police; the citizens;
united in so fierce a resistance that the Tartars were driven out。

Ivan Ogareff then thought of obtaining by stratagem what he could
not gain by force。  We have said that his plan was to penetrate into
the town; make his way to the Grand Duke; gain his confidence; and;
when the time came; give up the gates to the besiegers; and; that done;
wreak his vengeance on the brother of the Czar。  The Tsigane Sangarre;
who had accompanied him to the Angara; urged him to put this
plan in execution。

Indeed; it was necessary to act without delay。
The Russian troops from the government of Yakutsk were
advancing towards Irkutsk。  They had concentrated along
the upper course of the Lena。  In six days they would arrive。
Therefore; before six days had passed; Irkutsk must be betrayed。
Ogareff hesitated no longer。

One evening; the 2d of October; a council of war was held in the
grand saloon of the palace of the governor…general。 This palace;
standing at the end of Bolchaia Street; overlooked the river。
From its windows could be seen the camp of the Tartars;
and had the invaders possessed guns of wider range; they would
have rendered the palace uninhabitable。

The Grand Duke; General Voranzoff; the governor of the town;
and the chief of the merchants; with several officers;
had collected to determine upon various proposals。

〃Gentlemen;〃 said the Grand Duke; 〃you know our situation exactly。
I have the firm hope that we shall be able to hold out until
the arrival of the Yakutsk troops。  We shall then be able to drive
off these barbarian hordes; and it will not be my fault if they
do not pay dearly for this invasion of the Muscovite territory。〃

〃Your Highness knows that all the population of Irkutsk may be relied on;〃
said General Voranzoff。

〃Yes; general;〃 replied the Grand Duke; 〃and I do justice
to their patriotism。  Thanks to God; they have not yet
been subjected to the horrors of epidemic and famine;
and I have reason to hope that they will escape them;
but I cannot admire their courage on the ramparts enough。
You hear my words; Sir Merchant; and I beg you to repeat
such to them。〃

〃I thank your Highness in the name of the town;〃 answered the
merchant chief。  〃May I ask you what is the most distant date
when we may expect the relieving army?〃

〃Six days at most; sir;〃 replied the Grand Duke。  〃A brave and clever
messenger managed this morning to get into the town; and he told me
that fifty thousand Russians under General Kisselef; are advancing
by forced marches。  Two days ago; they were on the banks of the Lena;
at Kirensk; and now; neither frost nor snow will keep them back。
Fifty thousand good men; taking the Tartars on the flank; will soon
set us free。〃

〃I will add;〃 said the chief of the merchants; 〃that we shall
be ready to execute your orders; any day that your Highness
may command a sortie。〃

〃Good; sir;〃 replied the Grand Duke。  〃Wait till the heads
of the relieving columns appear on the heights; and we will
speedily crush these invaders。〃

Then turning to General Voranzoff; 〃To…morrow;〃 said he; 〃we will
visit the works on the right bank。  Ice is drifting down the Angara;
which will not be long in freezing; and in that case the Tartars
might perhaps cross。〃

〃Will your Highness allow me to make an observation?〃
said the chief of the merchants。

〃Do so; sir。〃

〃I have more than once seen the temperature fall to thirty
and forty degrees below zero; and the Angara has still
carried down drifting ice without entirely freezing。
This is no doubt owing to the swiftness of its current。
If therefore the Tartars have no other means of crossing the river;
I can assure your Highness that they will not enter Irkutsk
in that way。〃

The governor…general confirmed this assertion。

〃It is a fortunate circumstance;〃 responded the Grand Duke。
〃Nevertheless; we must hold ourselves ready for any emergency。〃

He then; turning towards the head of the police; asked; 〃Have you
nothing to say to me; sir?〃

〃I have your Highness;〃 answered the head of police; 〃a petition
which is addressed to you through me。〃

〃Addressed by whom?〃

〃By the Siberian exiles; whom; as your Highness knows; are in the town
to the number of five hundred。〃

The political exiles; distributed over the province; had been
collected in Irkutsk; from the beginning of the invasion。
They had obeyed the order to rally in the town; and leave
the villages where they exercised their different professions;
some doctors; some professors; either at the Gymnasium; or at
the Japanese School; or at the School of Navigation。  The Grand Duke;
trusting like the Czar in their patriotism; had armed them;
and they had thoroughly proved their bravery。

〃What do the exiles ask?〃 said the Grand Duke。

〃They ask the consent of your Highness;〃 answered the head of police;
〃to their forming a special corps and being placed in the front
of the first sortie。〃

〃Yes;〃 replied the Grand Duke with an emotion which he did not seek
to hide; 〃these exiles are Russians; and it is their right to fight
for their country!〃

〃I believe I may assure your Highness;〃 said the governor…general;
〃you will have no better soldiers。〃

〃But they must have a chief;〃 said the Grand Duke; 〃who will he be?〃

〃They wish to recommend to your Highness;〃 said the head of police;
〃one of their number; who has distinguished himself on several occasions。〃

〃Is he a Russian?〃

〃Yes; a Russian from the Baltic provinces。〃

〃His name?〃

〃Is Wassili Fedor。〃

This exile was Nadia's father。  Wassili Fedor; as we have already said;
followed his profession of a medical man in Irkutsk。  He was
clever and charitable; and also possessed the greatest courage
and most sincere patriotism。  All the time which he did not
devote to the sick he employed in organizing the defense。
It was he who had united his companions in exile in the common cause。
The exiles; till then mingled with the population; had behaved
in such a way as to draw on themselves the attention of the
Grand Duke。  In several sorties; they had paid with their blood their
debt to holy Russiaholy as they believe; and adored by her children!
Wassili Fedor had behaved heroically; his name had been mentioned
several times; but he never asked either thanks or favors;
and when the exiles of Irkutsk thought of forming themselves into
a special corps; he was ignorant of their intention of choosing
him for their captain。

When the head of police mentioned this name; the Grand Duke answered
that it was not unknown to him。

〃Indeed;〃 remarked General Voranzoff; 〃Wassili Fedor is a man
of worth and courage。  His influence over his companions has
always been very great。〃

〃How long has he been at Irkutsk?〃 asked the Duke。

〃For two years。〃

〃And his conduct?〃

〃His conduct;〃 answered the head of police; 〃is that of a man
obedient to the special laws which govern him。〃

〃General;〃 said the Grand Duke; 〃General; be good enough to present
him to me immediately。〃

The orders of the Grand Duke were obeyed; and before half
an hour had passed; Fedor was introduced into his presence。
He was a man over forty; tall; of a stern and sad countenance。
One felt that his whole life was summed up in a single word
strifehe had striven and suffered。  His features bore a marked
resemblance to those of his daughter; Nadia Fedor。

This Tartar invasion had severely wounded him in his tenderest affections;
and ruined the hope of the father; exiled eight thousand versts from
his native town。  A letter had apprised him of the death of his wife;
and at the same time of the departure of his daughter; who had obtained
from the government an authorization to join him at Irkutsk。  Nadia must
have left Riga on the 10th of July。  The invasion had begun on
the 15th of July; if at that time Nadia had passed the frontier;
what could have become of her in the midst of the invaders?
The anxiety of the unhappy father may be supposed when; from that time;
he h
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